Weather Report

Seeker of Rock

Let’s Go Brandon!
I’m in Jupiter Florida and it’s a bit cool in S Florida terms, but how’s y’all’s weathere where you are today? IMG_0645.png
A buddy of mine in Indianapolis is (at 54 years old…3 years my Junior OUCH lol) getting into playing electric guitar and writing (after several years of Calssical Acoustic guitar playing as a hobby) and using GarageBand to explore the electric world. He just bought a Telecaster Aerodyne 👍 , a big big Cure fan, and starting to explore writing/recording in the rock world. He came up with something he wrote on the Aero Tele with GB drums and GB bass that was a good first effort. I encouraged him and said “Put a proper bass to that and you’ll be on your way.” He questioned “What do you mean by proper bass?” I said a bass track/tracks using a real bass guitar, still through your iRig, but with a real bass instrument (his/our mutual friend has a Squier P Bass 15 miles away, so easy to get or have our friend lay the track right?). He questioned why he needed a real bass track when he could simulate through GB. I told him he absolutely could then posted something I did on an 8 track cassette 20 years ago.

He liked and bought a MIM J Bass (damn fine instruments IMO) and I shared knowledge on the importance and misunderstandings of bass as an instrument, and that you can touch a screen to get generic tracks but it is a complex instrument that a lot of people don’t realize the importance of. Now I have him listening to Jaco in Weather Report. Jaco was the wildest but arguably not the best…still, an incredible player and example of what GarageBand automation cannot do for his songs
I’m sure anyone on this website has heard the name Jaco Pastorius or just Jaco, but if you’ve never researched him, please do. A KILLER Doc called Jaco released a few years ago. He was like an Eddie Van Halen of ass guitar because it was just an instrument and he learned to modify his J Bass (as a poor youngster) by removing the frets and filling the slots with epoxy by himself to get it to play what he heard in his head. Tragic musician addict story like so many but if you’ve read this far in my thread, at least Google him and Weather Report
FYI the “google him” is for people that aren’t as old as some of us in here. Nothing wrong with being young or old, but if you were born after 1985, just trust an old man on this one…please
I’ve been in Florida so long I forget most of the Zone 5 and 6 species but guessing White Pine or Scotts? Whatever type, Pines are the awesome 🤟
I’m in Jupiter Florida and it’s a bit cool in S Florida terms, but how’s y’all’s weathere where you are today?
Two Aprils ago, it was so hot here in London. I remember it, I was doing jury service.
Now it's just plain cold. The weather can't make up its mind and I'm back to wearing tracksuit bottoms under my jeans. Just as well, today, because I ripped them kicking a ball in the school playground !
I was wondering if anyone was gonna bring up these guys from the thread title
When I saw the thread title, I thought it was about them.
I’m sure anyone on this website has heard the name Jaco Pastorius or just Jaco, but if you’ve never researched him, please do.....He was like an Eddie Van Halen of ass guitar
A couple of years back, I upset Old Smithers who used to post here because I said that I thought Jaco was somewhat overrated and that I wasn't a fan. I acknowledged his greatness, but not his Godness. Smithers wasn't having it !
Here, this morning, the sky is mostly blue, with quite a bit of white whispy clouds, a skattering of grey clouds underneath. I'm not an expert, but professionally I suspect that would be considered partly cloudy. Off in the distance beyond the trees, more grey. A mockingbird is chasing and pestering a crow, the hummingbirds droning the feeders here at the porch. I think maybe that means, weather or something, of some sort. If it should rain the orange balls in the cedar tree will swell, and once dry send wind carried spores to the apple trees, resulting in apple-cedar rust on the leaves. If it is going to rain I should probably spray an anti fungal, yesterday. If it doesn't I should probably spray, tomorrow. Someone once said, rust never sleeps. I'm not an expert, but I suspect that is highly dependent on the weather. Bottom line, spray. Because, weather.


In the time it took to write the above report, less clouds, a mockingbird sitting atop of a telephone pole, bluebirds on the wire. Hummingbirds remain active. Calm, yet a seeming tension in the air, little doubt galls plotting in the trees. Bagworms in the Arborvitae. Carpet bombing may be the only option, or at minimum a tennis racket, on a stick. I don't have, but do a putter. Par for the course I haven't a clue. When the rain comes, God help us all. In lieu of flowers donate to your favorite charity, or the apple dumpling gang, deep in ze bunker.
Paid endorsements aside, it it "string trimmer", or "Weedeater".

Lol, great point. Is it a Kleenex or paper tissue, Drywall/Sheetrock or Gypsum board, Band-Aid or disposable bandage, Lysol or a spray disinfectant, JetSki or personal watercraft? Great point 🤟