Indictments in three separate cases - and a fourth one likely

No one needs to "file a complaint" for fraud to be fraud, dude. Just FYI. If you get caught committing fraud... it doesn't matter if anyone complained about it or not. So... just don't commit fraud. It's weird for someone in a cult to call people in a general population, i.e. not in a cult... a "cult".
For edification purposes, like it or not, the trial starting on Monday (no jury cuz Trump lawyer too stupid) has these charges:

Conspiracy to falsify business records
Providing fraudulent financial statements
Conspiracy to falsify financial statements
Insurance fraud
Conspiracy to commit Insurance fraud
Republicans are holding sham "Impeachment Inquiry" with zero evidence, instead of finding a way to keep millions of people including the military receiving a fucking paycheck.
Over what again?
Back to the Georgia RICO thing...
I've played a lot of chess games (not for a long time though) so I understand the "game".
So when I saw Fani Willis create an indictment with 19 fucking targets I was astonished.
My mind went quickly to "How TF are you even going to physically fit all these people and their lawyers into a single room?"
Like a fox...
Two of the criminal defendants (Chesebro and Powell) immediately went AWOL and are going first (next month). OK... 17 little indians left...
Then today, Scott Hall (illegally copied all the hard drives on the voting machinery) sees the writing on the wall (smart to cave first) and pleads guilty and is now a witness for the prosecution.
16 little indians left...
So... my light bulb just went on, and I realized this person (Fani Willis) is playing 3D chess, not my wimpy 2D version.
She knew damn well this shit was gonna go down.
Pancakes gonna flip...
Tick Tock...
Where are these banks that filed a complaint about being cheated out of money? They don’t exist. Trump has paid a lot more taxes than that judge, the shit head prosecutor, or any of the “Orange man Bad” crowd. I don’t believe that you or anyone else commenting gives a shit whether or not he broke the law or paid taxes. You have have been told to hate him by the cult you belong to, and like good followers, you do. Don’t see you starting threads or making a fuss about the laws Joe and the Biden family have broken, and continue to break.
That guy wouldn't give you the time of day or let you shit in his gold commode and you think he is for the little guy. Greatest conman in over a hundred years. WHen did Barnum die?
I own a plumbing biz, so rest assured I take my shits on the finest throne available. Dont need to ask him the time either. Not wanting to have a personal relationship with the man. All I need from him is 4 more years like he gave us the first time. I want him to run the country, not be my besty. The left loves to talk that conman bullshit, except when it comes to actual conmen like the potato that currently occupies the White House. The left has made up lie after lie about the man, and promised those on the left that they “really had him this time”. You are the one being conned, because all of those promises and lies about evidence didn’t go anywhere. Tried to impeach the man with accusations that he had done exactly what Joe Biden did on national tv. Clinton paid for a Dossier that she and everyone in cahoots with her knew to be fake. Schiff told you had had absolute proof, and that was a lie as well, with no repercussions . Obama had the Oval Office bugged, and again, no repercussions , and no one on the left accusing any of them of being conmen. The left is absolutely full of shit, and those that support leftist politicians are useful idiot, and their usefulness will end one day. We have a fucking traitorous criminal in the Whitehouse that has sold his influence to anyone with cash. Our southern border is is over run daily, and we are sending billion of dollars to Ukraine to fund a war that the Ukrainians have already lost, and has us very close to an outright war with Russia. We have high ranking males in the military that show up to work dressed as women, children being surgically altered that are not old enough to know Jack shit about life, vote, or drink their first beer. Teachers pushing kids toward homosexuallality, and other perversions.
I'm not the one in a cult my good man.
Let's hear your thoughts on Biden, his brother, and his son. See, the thing with me is I hate both parties. I like Trump because his policies make good sense, and help Americans. I really like that all of the right people hate him. They also fear him, and that is even better, because hardly anyone in Washington fears any sort of consequence, has any respect for the people, or puts the countries needs before their own. Im 58 years old, and I can't recall a time when government has spent so much time and money trying to find or create a crime to fit the man. You can pretend that it is just justice at work, but it doesn't make it so.I don't recall him ever being accused of being a Nazi, fraudster, fascist,etc.,etc., until after he became POTUS, then became POTUS again, but due to fraud was cheated of it. Now that he is running for POTUS once again, and it is obvious that the people prefer him to anyone else, they are pulling out all of the stops to prevent it. Truth is, as much as most of this country, including myself, want Trump as POTUS, the powers that be aren't going to let that happen, and our country , and Constitution are going to continue to erode under the leadership of corrupt assholes that act more like royalty than they do elected officials. Another poster mentioned that Trump wouldn't give me or any other average American the time of day. Im fine with that, because in all honesty, I would tell him the time if he asked, but he isn't the type of person that I hang out with. He is interested in making money, but like any other hi roller, they are competitive, love to wheel and deal, and even more they love the idea of being on the best side of any deal. They have inflated egos, and don't tend to have friends, as much as associates that can help them achieve a goal. It may make for a lousy friend, but it is exactly what is needed to run the country.I have all of the friends I need. What I need is a POTUS that puts the needs of the country first and isn't getting rich from his corruption while the working man breaks his back just to have much of his earnings stolen right off the top by a government that either pockets it, wastes it, or sends it to some other country. I want a justice system that isn't the enforcement arm of the left, and media that tells the truth, and delivers it unbiased. I want the Constitution to be the law of the land, and for the consequences for infringing upon to be immediate, and severe, but mostly I just want people like you to wake the fuck up and realize that you are helping your enemies destroy you, your way of life, and your children's future.
I own a plumbing biz, so rest assured I take my shits on the finest throne available. Dont need to ask him the time either. Not wanting to have a personal relationship with the man. All I need from him is 4 more years like he gave us the first time. I want him to run the country, not be my besty. The left loves to talk that conman bullshit, except when it comes to actual conmen like the potato that currently occupies the White House. The left has made up lie after lie about the man, and promised those on the left that they “really had him this time”. You are the one being conned, because all of those promises and lies about evidence didn’t go anywhere. Tried to impeach the man with accusations that he had done exactly what Joe Biden did on national tv. Clinton paid for a Dossier that she and everyone in cahoots with her knew to be fake. Schiff told you had had absolute proof, and that was a lie as well, with no repercussions . Obama had the Oval Office bugged, and again, no repercussions , and no one on the left accusing any of them of being conmen. The left is absolutely full of shit, and those that support leftist politicians are useful idiot, and their usefulness will end one day. We have a fucking traitorous criminal in the Whitehouse that has sold his influence to anyone with cash. Our southern border is is over run daily, and we are sending billion of dollars to Ukraine to fund a war that the Ukrainians have already lost, and has us very close to an outright war with Russia. We have high ranking males in the military that show up to work dressed as women, children being surgically altered that are not old enough to know Jack shit about life, vote, or drink their first beer. Teachers pushing kids toward homosexuallality, and other perversions.

Let's hear your thoughts on Biden, his brother, and his son. See, the thing with me is I hate both parties. I like Trump because his policies make good sense, and help Americans. I really like that all of the right people hate him. They also fear him, and that is even better, because hardly anyone in Washington fears any sort of consequence, has any respect for the people, or puts the countries needs before their own. Im 58 years old, and I can't recall a time when government has spent so much time and money trying to find or create a crime to fit the man. You can pretend that it is just justice at work, but it doesn't make it so.I don't recall him ever being accused of being a Nazi, fraudster, fascist,etc.,etc., until after he became POTUS, then became POTUS again, but due to fraud was cheated of it. Now that he is running for POTUS once again, and it is obvious that the people prefer him to anyone else, they are pulling out all of the stops to prevent it. Truth is, as much as most of this country, including myself, want Trump as POTUS, the powers that be aren't going to let that happen, and our country , and Constitution are going to continue to erode under the leadership of corrupt assholes that act more like royalty than they do elected officials. Another poster mentioned that Trump wouldn't give me or any other average American the time of day. Im fine with that, because in all honesty, I would tell him the time if he asked, but he isn't the type of person that I hang out with. He is interested in making money, but like any other hi roller, they are competitive, love to wheel and deal, and even more they love the idea of being on the best side of any deal. They have inflated egos, and don't tend to have friends, as much as associates that can help them achieve a goal. It may make for a lousy friend, but it is exactly what is needed to run the country.I have all of the friends I need. What I need is a POTUS that puts the needs of the country first and isn't getting rich from his corruption while the working man breaks his back just to have much of his earnings stolen right off the top by a government that either pockets it, wastes it, or sends it to some other country. I want a justice system that isn't the enforcement arm of the left, and media that tells the truth, and delivers it unbiased. I want the Constitution to be the law of the land, and for the consequences for infringing upon to be immediate, and severe, but mostly I just want people like you to wake the fuck up and realize that you are helping your enemies destroy you, your way of life, and your children's future.
Criminals should be punished, yes?
I wouldn't feel any different if the tables were turned.
I own a plumbing biz, so rest assured I take my shits on the finest throne available. Dont need to ask him the time either. Not wanting to have a personal relationship with the man. All I need from him is 4 more years like he gave us the first time. I want him to run the country, not be my besty. The left loves to talk that conman bullshit, except when it comes to actual conmen like the potato that currently occupies the White House. The left has made up lie after lie about the man, and promised those on the left that they “really had him this time”. You are the one being conned, because all of those promises and lies about evidence didn’t go anywhere. Tried to impeach the man with accusations that he had done exactly what Joe Biden did on national tv. Clinton paid for a Dossier that she and everyone in cahoots with her knew to be fake. Schiff told you had had absolute proof, and that was a lie as well, with no repercussions . Obama had the Oval Office bugged, and again, no repercussions , and no one on the left accusing any of them of being conmen. The left is absolutely full of shit, and those that support leftist politicians are useful idiot, and their usefulness will end one day. We have a fucking traitorous criminal in the Whitehouse that has sold his influence to anyone with cash. Our southern border is is over run daily, and we are sending billion of dollars to Ukraine to fund a war that the Ukrainians have already lost, and has us very close to an outright war with Russia. We have high ranking males in the military that show up to work dressed as women, children being surgically altered that are not old enough to know Jack shit about life, vote, or drink their first beer. Teachers pushing kids toward homosexuallality, and other perversions.

Let's hear your thoughts on Biden, his brother, and his son. See, the thing with me is I hate both parties. I like Trump because his policies make good sense, and help Americans. I really like that all of the right people hate him. They also fear him, and that is even better, because hardly anyone in Washington fears any sort of consequence, has any respect for the people, or puts the countries needs before their own. Im 58 years old, and I can't recall a time when government has spent so much time and money trying to find or create a crime to fit the man. You can pretend that it is just justice at work, but it doesn't make it so.I don't recall him ever being accused of being a Nazi, fraudster, fascist,etc.,etc., until after he became POTUS, then became POTUS again, but due to fraud was cheated of it. Now that he is running for POTUS once again, and it is obvious that the people prefer him to anyone else, they are pulling out all of the stops to prevent it. Truth is, as much as most of this country, including myself, want Trump as POTUS, the powers that be aren't going to let that happen, and our country , and Constitution are going to continue to erode under the leadership of corrupt assholes that act more like royalty than they do elected officials. Another poster mentioned that Trump wouldn't give me or any other average American the time of day. Im fine with that, because in all honesty, I would tell him the time if he asked, but he isn't the type of person that I hang out with. He is interested in making money, but like any other hi roller, they are competitive, love to wheel and deal, and even more they love the idea of being on the best side of any deal. They have inflated egos, and don't tend to have friends, as much as associates that can help them achieve a goal. It may make for a lousy friend, but it is exactly what is needed to run the country.I have all of the friends I need. What I need is a POTUS that puts the needs of the country first and isn't getting rich from his corruption while the working man breaks his back just to have much of his earnings stolen right off the top by a government that either pockets it, wastes it, or sends it to some other country. I want a justice system that isn't the enforcement arm of the left, and media that tells the truth, and delivers it unbiased. I want the Constitution to be the law of the land, and for the consequences for infringing upon to be immediate, and severe, but mostly I just want people like you to wake the fuck up and realize that you are helping your enemies destroy you, your way of life, and your children's future.
Bravo, well said.

I’ll add this, the country was running pretty well under Trump.

The current administration is leading us down a path of total destruction and a possible hot war with Russia instead of this covert Proxy war were in.

And if Biden goes ahead with the world health organization’s pandemic treaty we even run risk of losing our sovereignty.

Biden is the absolute worst president we’ve had in my lifetime.

If he and his neocon ilk continue on this path we’re fucked as a free nation.

At least with trump we had a chance.

Just my opinion

Edit: to add.....

The left is totally operating on the Lenin/Marxist policy of “show me the man and we’ll find the crime.
Hell, they started to take him down before he even set foot in the Oval Office and did anything! Yet when he was just a ‘donor’ Trump was well loved.

And now, they’ll do ANYTHING to keep him away from office. Bankrupt him, jail him, slander him, humiliate him, go after his family.......... and if all else fails, even kill him.

That’s your liberal ‘inclusive’ left.
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I own a plumbing biz, so rest assured I take my shits on the finest throne available. Dont need to ask him the time either. Not wanting to have a personal relationship with the man. All I need from him is 4 more years like he gave us the first time. I want him to run the country, not be my besty. The left loves to talk that conman bullshit, except when it comes to actual conmen like the potato that currently occupies the White House. The left has made up lie after lie about the man, and promised those on the left that they “really had him this time”. You are the one being conned, because all of those promises and lies about evidence didn’t go anywhere. Tried to impeach the man with accusations that he had done exactly what Joe Biden did on national tv. Clinton paid for a Dossier that she and everyone in cahoots with her knew to be fake. Schiff told you had had absolute proof, and that was a lie as well, with no repercussions . Obama had the Oval Office bugged, and again, no repercussions , and no one on the left accusing any of them of being conmen. The left is absolutely full of shit, and those that support leftist politicians are useful idiot, and their usefulness will end one day. We have a fucking traitorous criminal in the Whitehouse that has sold his influence to anyone with cash. Our southern border is is over run daily, and we are sending billion of dollars to Ukraine to fund a war that the Ukrainians have already lost, and has us very close to an outright war with Russia. We have high ranking males in the military that show up to work dressed as women, children being surgically altered that are not old enough to know Jack shit about life, vote, or drink their first beer. Teachers pushing kids toward homosexuallality, and other perversions.

Let's hear your thoughts on Biden, his brother, and his son. See, the thing with me is I hate both parties. I like Trump because his policies make good sense, and help Americans. I really like that all of the right people hate him. They also fear him, and that is even better, because hardly anyone in Washington fears any sort of consequence, has any respect for the people, or puts the countries needs before their own. Im 58 years old, and I can't recall a time when government has spent so much time and money trying to find or create a crime to fit the man. You can pretend that it is just justice at work, but it doesn't make it so.I don't recall him ever being accused of being a Nazi, fraudster, fascist,etc.,etc., until after he became POTUS, then became POTUS again, but due to fraud was cheated of it. Now that he is running for POTUS once again, and it is obvious that the people prefer him to anyone else, they are pulling out all of the stops to prevent it. Truth is, as much as most of this country, including myself, want Trump as POTUS, the powers that be aren't going to let that happen, and our country , and Constitution are going to continue to erode under the leadership of corrupt assholes that act more like royalty than they do elected officials. Another poster mentioned that Trump wouldn't give me or any other average American the time of day. Im fine with that, because in all honesty, I would tell him the time if he asked, but he isn't the type of person that I hang out with. He is interested in making money, but like any other hi roller, they are competitive, love to wheel and deal, and even more they love the idea of being on the best side of any deal. They have inflated egos, and don't tend to have friends, as much as associates that can help them achieve a goal. It may make for a lousy friend, but it is exactly what is needed to run the country.I have all of the friends I need. What I need is a POTUS that puts the needs of the country first and isn't getting rich from his corruption while the working man breaks his back just to have much of his earnings stolen right off the top by a government that either pockets it, wastes it, or sends it to some other country. I want a justice system that isn't the enforcement arm of the left, and media that tells the truth, and delivers it unbiased. I want the Constitution to be the law of the land, and for the consequences for infringing upon to be immediate, and severe, but mostly I just want people like you to wake the fuck up and realize that you are helping your enemies destroy you, your way of life, and your children's future.
That hollow, dull sound you just heard was the truth bouncing right off their skulls.