Mall Got Cop - VHS takes on post punk


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Not sure I'd call Adam Ant goth rock, that's more Marilyn Manson's area. I think the drums are the weak point here, they need to be more forceful and on point
Not sure I'd call Adam Ant goth rock, that's more Marilyn Manson's area. I think the drums are the weak point here, they need to be more forceful and on point

Yeah, he's the least goth rock of the major post punk artists. (Hence the difficulty for me)
Drums are really challenging me. What should forceful and on-point but still appropriately 80s and lo-fi drums sound like?
Well if you listen to Antmusic it's got the herky jerky percussion parts but all the way through the snare is hitting 2 and 4 and locking in the groove
Ah, I believe I was not clear there. Adam Ant is a counterpoint to what I'm trying to accomplish. I am going for goth rock. Adam Ant is NOT goth rock, thus the fact that I listen to his music is unhelpful.

Mix 2 is in the OP

Lots of changes. Toms are way louder. Kick and snare are routed to a distortion channel which hopefully brings them out a bit.
Bass is cleaner and has a lot less low-end
Lead vox have less 'verb.
Black metal guits are up.
Piano is louder.
I went straight to mix 2.

First I love the bass tone. I like the part too.

Love the vocal sound. Could be a nudge louder. Maybe a small boost around 5K.

The clean rhythm guitar is a little muffled. I like the part and I think it could stand out better if it were a little brighter.

Drum part was busy, but didn't get in the way of anything. I liked it.

The bridge was weird. I didn't care much for it, sorry.

Piano part sounded decent. A bit midi-ish, but fairly natural.

You could probably turn up the harmony vocal a little. At least in the pre-chorus.
Thanks, TripM! Do you like black metal at all? I don't know how well I achieved that sound for the bridge. (It's super lo-fi but in a fairly specific way)

Piano part is a real piano even! Weird that it would come off as midi.

I'll look into those other tweaks.
3rd mix is in the OP.

Upon listening on headphones, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I tried boosting the high-end of the vox and guits, but the vox got kind of tin-canny and over-crisp.

I might try to split the difference with mix 2.
Hey Steve, not bad man. Cool transitions.

I feel the toms could be bigger, they sound good as is and you might not want them bigger, but I feel they need more energy. Something I've been using a lot on toms that blows me away is the Waves Parallel Particles. If you got that, slap it on 'em, pick the 'Kick' preset and adjust to taste. If you don't have it, ignore everything I just said lol. One of the Slate Tube Collection plugins (VCC) would do wonders also, most likely the 'London'. Otherwise, some extra lo-end and a transient designer of some kind would be nice too. How did you process them?

Still sounds pretty damn good overall, nice work!
I can hear the vocal in the first verse better.

I didn't hear much difference in the guitars.

Overall it's still a good mix to me. And a cool song.
Hey Steve, not bad man. Cool transitions.

I feel the toms could be bigger, they sound good as is and you might not want them bigger, but I feel they need more energy. Something I've been using a lot on toms that blows me away is the Waves Parallel Particles. If you got that, slap it on 'em, pick the 'Kick' preset and adjust to taste. If you don't have it, ignore everything I just said lol. One of the Slate Tube Collection plugins (VCC) would do wonders also, most likely the 'London'. Otherwise, some extra lo-end and a transient designer of some kind would be nice too. How did you process them?

Still sounds pretty damn good overall, nice work!

Thanks, Johnny.

The toms have very little distinct processing on them other than just being louder than I normally mix them. (Using Audio Assault's Westwood kit for the first time too)

I'm up against the deadline, so I'm calling a slightly-tweaked version of 3 the final one, but I'll look into those plugins for the next tom-heavy song.

Thanks again, TripM. Yeah, I didn't adjust the guitars much. Just enough to make it muddy the choruses less and maybe jangle a little more in the verses.
yeah i like the torturous screaming into the old piano part.
i'll be on the lookout for the mall goth cop now.
oh shit theres a video
ok you're the cop ha ha.
the sound in the vid is real good.
don't even change that piano
you go walt!