"Add to render queue" keyboard shortcut


Hat STYLE. Not contents.
I'm running into a minor pain point in my workflow with Reaper, and I'm wondering if anyone knows a keyboard shortcut for it?

A process I'll do pretty often is put a whole bunch stuff into the render queue so I can get the PC processing in the background while I do something else. Usually, it's soloing or muting one track at a time from a project. (e.g. I record band practice and I want to send everybody each song as a) the full band mix b) the full mix minus themselves and c) themselves isolated)

So the flow is
ctrl+alt+click mute to mute a single track
ctrl+alt+r to open the render menu
type the name (the cursor is automatically in the file name field, conveniently)
click "add to render queue"
ctrl+alt+click solo to solo the single track
ctrl+alt+r to open render menu
type name
click "add to render queue"

The problem here is that this is much more mouse activity than I would prefer. Moving the mouse between the mute and solo buttons is very little motion, but moving it from mute to ATRQ back to solo back to ATRQ is a lot. I would much rather be able to hit ATRQ from the keyboard. Anybody know a shortcut?

Screenshots of the sample process:

(Seriously, this may sound trivial, but this is about 1 second worth of time per export X 5 band members X 2 exports per person X 10+ songs per practice X 50 practices a year... Not to mention the RSI concerns)
Lot of clicking, but its less than 2 minutes per practice .... Does everyone in the band really want all these files every week?
Will this help any?

Under Preferences > Keyboard/Multitouch you can add shortcuts. Typing 'render' in the filter displays the 'Add project to render queue, using most recent render settings'.
...Preferences > Keyboard/Multitouch...
...ends up opening the Actions List, which you can do yourself either by going Actions|Show action list or just hitting ?. If there's an action for it, you can make whatever shortcut you want.

In fact, you might be able to do a custom action something like:
Add to render queue
Mute selected track
Add to...
Add to...

And just do the whole damn thing with one click. :)

Edit - though maybe that wouldn't do exactly what you want. If you wanted to get silly you could have it move to next track, mute and solo through the project and be nearly automagical. Custom actions are super simple as long as the actions are available.

Even sillier would be a script. If you've coded before, it wouldn't be that hard to actually make it automatic. Maybe region based where you just go through and make regions out of the parts you want to do this to, then run the script and it does the whole project in one go. If you don't want to do it yourself, probably post over at the Reaper forum and somebody will most likely hack it together pretty quick.

Edit again - but I think you should have it render stems of selected tracks (all tracks selected) rather than each one as a separate entry in the queue.

But!!! Have you looked at the region render matrix? You might actually be able to accomplish most of what you're trying to do right there with a bit less mousing around.
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