What's wrong with my SM57 Unidyne III? (HiPass sound)


New member
Hi all, I've just received a Shure SM57 but it doesn't seem to sound correctly. When I record a sound it sounds like there is some kind of HiPass Filter engaged. I cannot manage to find anyone with this kind of problem with a SM57, so I was wondering has anyone ever encountered this problem, and if yes how bad is it?
I've attached two quick sound sample to try to illustrate the problem, -01 being another SM57, and -02 being the faulty one.
Thanks a lot for your help


Counterfeit? Bad transformer? Output connector mis-wired?

There's a thing where the diaphragm gets stuck. The cure is to literally suck on it. But I don't think your sample sounds like a stuck diaphragm.
Since you have a good one and a bad one, compare the weights of the two.
This is the biggest giveaway of fake SM57s.

Hold them like drumsticks, by the XLR end. A real 57 or similar will have a heavy top end as the capsule assembly is a solid block filling the upper half of the mic.
A fake will be a hollow plastic chamber with a very flimsy element mounted on the front.

I agree with BSG - Doesn't sound like a stuck diaphragm to me. That's usually more pronounced...Like leaving loud-ass headphones on a desk.
There could be something light impeding the diaphragm, I suppose, but I'd rule out a fake and the output connections first.
Thanks a lot for your answers!
I really don't think it's a fake (weightwise the two mics are really similar), but I'm definitely going to check the output connections hoping this is it!
I'll let you know. Many thanks again!
Ok, fair enough. Weight difference should be fairly obvious.

If you want to inspect the diaphragm and need instructions for removing the grill, I can help.
Doesn't sound like a stuck diaphragm to me either, but it's very dull, so I tend to suspect a counterfeit. Unscrew it and have a look inside. You can also measure the DC resistance which should be the same.
Just seen this post and lisening to the samples it seems like exactly the problem I had a while back with my 60's Unidyne III. Steenamaroo very kindly helped me with removing the grill and maybe there was some dirt or dust somewhere because after a bit of a clean up I popped the grill back and it worked perfectly with the normal bass response.