Need new smaller mixer

Well, my on and off search for a new mixer has yielded disappointing results from the "new" market.

There's some interesting digital/analog hybrid approaches plus some interesting digital mixers from Soundcraft and Presonus, all under 3K, but nothing really dedicated for the studio. Many have, unbelievably, no channel inserts and not enough group-type outputs (for my 8 track tape machine + 8 ch Apogee interface). Amazingly, not even DAW control on the new mixers with motorized faders. So these aren't ready for prime-time for my needs anyway.

I looked at higher end new boards by Neotek, Audient, and some others, but those are all over 15K.

The best example of a replacement board was made by witzendoz above- the Toft ATB16. This has all the features I need, but there are some bad reviews about the build quality of this board.

My Tascam M2600 board has served me well, but is beginning to fail here and there.

But let me ask this: Are the Toft pre's, EQ, and features a lot better than my 1994 Tascam M2600?
The Toft would have better pres than the M2600, however if you are happy with the 2600 you could invest in external pres?

I don't know about the eq, and I have never owned a 2600, but I did own a M2540 and when I upped to a M3700 the eq was much better. I tell you what eq I do like is Allen & Heath, and soundcraft. I have used brands in a live situation (soundcraft in another studio as well) and by the results I get there their studio consoles would have very good eq and pres. There is plenty of secondhand stuff out there as everyone is getting rid of the studio consoles and going digital or in the box mixing.

Sound advice !

If you have a Tech, you might just sort things out and also look at op-amps (if only on some channels/sections). As I'm fond of saying, its just a box of parts
The Toft would have better pres than the M2600, however if you are happy with the 2600 you could invest in external pres?

I don't know about the eq, and I have never owned a 2600, but I did own a M2540 and when I upped to a M3700 the eq was much better. I tell you what eq I do like is Allen & Heath, and soundcraft. I have used brands in a live situation (soundcraft in another studio as well) and by the results I get there their studio consoles would have very good eq and pres. There is plenty of secondhand stuff out there as everyone is getting rid of the studio consoles and going digital or in the box mixing.


A new analog Soundcraft Signature 22 MTK model has a nice feature of USB connectivity, which can be accessed by a DAW, but it gets some pretty bad reviews.

The second-hand market might be an option if I can get a hold of a more recent (and working) board. I'm not interested in repairing the Tascam. It would be nice to downsize somewhat also.

I am not too familiar with the older Soundcraft models, but I have read some good things about the pre's and the EQ.

What models of second Soundcrafts would you recommend?
Hard to recommend, you need to look around to see how much you really want to spend and features needed.

By the way where did you read bad reviews on the Soundcraft Signature 22 MTK? I could only find good reviews. The only negative was the lack of inserts?

Some of the bad comments were on one of the gear sites, I can't remember which. It was a long thread with some complaining about the inserts as well as really low-end built-in effects. Also if I recall, people were having problem with the USB interface. I'll look it up again. It had pretty minimum physical ins and outs.

My needs are fairly basic: Channel inserts for one, usable channel EQ, monitor and cue mix is handy, 16 channels, enough outputs or busses to handle 8 track tape and an 8 channel audio interface, a couple auxes.
The negatives weren't on Gear Sluts site were they? They are negative about everything. Found 1 negative in a load of positives on sweetwater?

How about an old soundcraft sprit studio? Must be plenty of those on the secondhand market?

Thats not exactly a smaller desk though. Isn't the OP looking for something smaller and newer than the tascam but full featured?
The Souncraft however is a nice console.
Yes, they were negative, but the issues mentioned are still concerning.

The Signature is a nice looking board and compact also, but it lacks some basics and connectivity.

The ZED looks ok - It is firewire though, which is near-extinct, but if it has connectivity, might be worth a closer look.
So I'm re-reading this thread...can you summarize at this point how many inputs and outputs (groups and aux busses) you are wanting/needing? And I understand you want it to by physically smaller than your M-2600, yes? So, like, what size footprint would you like to stay inside?
DO! Grab the August copy of Sound on Sound . The Soundcraft Ui24R therein reviewed looks like the solution to A LOT of peoples mixer problems?

Ha! Just took a look and I can't think of single problem that little mixer would solve in my studio. :) ;)

Different strokes for different folks.

There are lots of similar devices on the market, which certainly fill a need. I spend a lot of time in front of various models of Behringer X32, and they are extremely powerful... but they serve live audio better then the flexibly I seek in the studio.
Ha! Just took a look and I can't think of single problem that little mixer would solve in my studio. :) ;)

Different strokes for different folks.

There are lots of similar devices on the market, which certainly fill a need. I spend a lot of time in front of various models of Behringer X32, and they are extremely powerful... but they serve live audio better then the flexibly I seek in the studio.

I think if you read the review in depth you will come to understand that the mixer is NOT like any other on the market!

why doesn't anyone hardly ever offer up presonus boards as a very good low price alternative. for the money, hard to beat 'em. been using the 16.4.2 for years now .no problems and great sound for the money.
So I'm re-reading this thread...can you summarize at this point how many inputs and outputs (groups and aux busses) you are wanting/needing? And I understand you want it to by physically smaller than your M-2600, yes? So, like, what size footprint would you like to stay inside?

Basically, I need 16 channels for bringing 16 channels from DAW, plus flexible routing for the 8 tracks from tape as well as a smaller footprint. Plus the M2600 is exhibiting some issues.

I upgraded my budget for an analog board and I am now seriously looking the Toft ATB-16a Revision 3.

The Toft has many of the features I like, and is similar to the M2600 in routing flexibility, cue/aux mixes, 8 buss, monitor/flip, etc. The main issues with the Toft are the price and reliability. I read and hear that the Revision 3 is much better in reliability than their older consoles.

I will have to check out the Soundcraft Ui24 though. I am still in the research phase, so suggestions always welcome.

As far as Presonus, I have investigated the StudioLive series III, and they of course are all digital. They seem overly complex, geared more for live use, and surprisingly, have zero DAW control (expected later this year - which means a firmware upgrade).

Yes, I have a DAW/hybrid system, but to be honest, I am getting more and more tired of the constant digital upgrades and the planned obsolescence. My M2600 and other analog gear has lasted over 20 years. I just want to make and mix music at this point rather than spend a lot of time on constant digital upgrades or repair for older analog gear.
" I am getting more and more tired of the constant digital upgrades and the planned obsolescence"

I don't really understand it Fstrat but apparently the Ui24 does not run on an 'app' but via a browser. This, it seems is a good thing and means the mixer can be controlled by almost anything with a processor in it.
