Indie folk rock - "Standard Protocol"

famous beagle

Well-known member
Hey everyone, I'd love some ears and opinions on this one. This is mix 1, and I'm pretty sure I have some revisions to make, but I just wanted to hear the consensus from some objective folks.

I'm really wanting opinions on the mix, but anything (comments on writing, performance, etc.) is of course appreciated.

Thanks much!


I wish the drumkit overall had some more presence and crispness to it. Right now it's a "blob" there in the back. A shelf/exciter might be all it takes :-)
Chuku: Thanks very much!

Invoid: Thanks for the comments. I agree I'd like the kit to have a bit more presence. The only thing is that I recorded this on analog 8-track, and so I had to bounce things in the process. As it is now, the drums, bass, and main acoustic guitar are all on tracks 1 and 2. So whatever I do to the top end on the drums will also affect the guitar. But I'll give it a shot and see if I can liven it up a bit without making the acoustic too shrill.
I feel like the whole mix is a little bright overall.

Maybe your "all-the-instruments" bus needs a little more low-end? Or something to tame those cymbals a little.

I like the synth when that kicks in. You've got a lot of cool little things happening throughout, but they largely get buried in cymbal wash.
I really like the singer's voice. Vocal tone is nice. Reminds me of Chris Collingwood from Fountains of Wayne.

The mix is missing low end. The guitars sound like they're had their low end rolled off up to like 200hz or so.

The bass is very low in the mix and doesn't have much low end.

Drums are pretty far back in the mix. I can barely hear a kick.

There are lots of little musical embellishments going on throughout the tune. Too many IMO.

I like the song. It could develop into something nice.
Agree with most of what's been said (including the value of the song. It's very good!).
Only one thing to add. The guitar on the right (although exceptional) is a bit loud. 2-3dB, maybe?
Thanks for all the comments, y'all! Some interesting (and slightly varying, at time) opinions, indeed. I haven't listened to it in two days, and I think I'm going to take at least one more day off before I have at it again.
Overall great mix, I was listening on my full system, so panning issues are less noticeable. Tad too bright, but mainly missing some bottom which would really make the song stand out. Maybe adding some bottom would make it seem less bright.

Good vocals, nice and natural sounding. Sounded like you really worked this song to where it was like an old glove. Very well done.
moptop: Thanks! Petty is definitely one of my favorites! I regularly use his stuff as a reference when mixing/tracking. :)

DM60: Thanks, I appreciate it. Yes I had sung this one quite a few times by the time it came to record.

The overwhelming consensus seems to be that the mix is a bit bright and lacks some bottom end. So those are two things I will certainly try to address. :)
Sounds a bit like grandaddy, points already for that haha

The organ part at the beginning and washy synth near the middle should come down quite a bit I think. Beautiful song, love the bridge. . .
Sounds a bit like grandaddy, points already for that haha

The organ part at the beginning and washy synth near the middle should come down quite a bit I think. Beautiful song, love the bridge. . .

Thanks! By "washy synth near the middle," are you talking about the pad sound during the verse or the melody sound during the instrumental interlude? If it's the former, then yes I was thinking the same thing. :)
The one at 1:25, I think it only has that one part. Works really well but it sounds pretty loud in my headphones.
Thanks a lot! Yes I aim to tame the brightness with my next mix. :)

That's odd, I was going to say the opposite about the lead vocal. I think your lead vocal is quite dark, thick in the low mids without a lot of presence or air. Even though the vocal is plenty loud, it tangles up with--keyboard, bass?--and sounds indistinct in places. I'm listening to Mix 1.
That's odd, I was going to say the opposite about the lead vocal. I think your lead vocal is quite dark, thick in the low mids without a lot of presence or air. Even though the vocal is plenty loud, it tangles up with--keyboard, bass?--and sounds indistinct in places. I'm listening to Mix 1.

I think most of the other commenters are saying that the mix in general is too bright and lacks bottom end.

But who knows ... I think everyone hears things a little differently. I've gotten all kinds of comments on this one! :)

Thanks for the listen.
You did that on your newly repaired free 388? :D

Sounds good. For all the track combining given the limited track availability of 8 track tape, the separation is real good.

Funny, but reading some of the comments they seem to assume you're running a DAW and have access to those tools. Lol :D
Lots of people forget or don't know about the limitations of 8 tracks and whatever limited outboard gear you have.
It's not like on protools where you can have an 1176 style compressor on as many channels as you can create.
Nope! This is old school. Tape, baby, tape. :D

This song fits right into your thread about 'vintage sounding' recordings as a good example.

For me, I share the views of others saying there's a bit too much high end.

But I'd bet if this was cut onto vinyl, that high end would be tamed a bit and on a good old school stereo this would sound great.

As to comments about the drums being buried.......Well, it's a good vintage sounding recording.
