Post Your Analog Recordings Here...

Always love the sounds you get. I'm sure you've listed it before, but would you mind posting your rig, including recorders, effects, mics, and main instruments? Thanks!
Thank you!
The recorder is a Tascam Portastudio 424 mk1
Effects: Spring reverb ripped out of a Fender Frontman 25R amp, various guitar pedals (not used on this song)
E-Guitar: Fender Mustang (with flatwound strings), Acoustic guitars: cheapest housebrand crap, E-Bass: Cheap Jazz-Bass copy (with flatwound strings), Main Amp: Old japanese solid-state amp called "Astro Puls Mighty Reverb" :e, Organ: Crb Tanzanite/Diamond600, Electric Piano: Hohner Pianet T, Snare: Sonor Smart Force Steel, The rest of the drums are junk (16" tom as bassdrum, old crappy snare as hightom), Cymbals: Ufip Ritmo 14" Hi-Hats, Ufip Ritmo 20" ride
Mics: Superlux S241 condensor, old Beyer M88, Shure Sm58, T.Bone RB500 ribbon, Pronomic ribbon, cheap T.bone dynamic, some other various crap mics
Art Tube MP/C as additional preamp & opto comp (but i rarely use the comp)
Sony 3-head cassette recorder for tape-delay etc
Thank you!
The recorder is a Tascam Portastudio 424 mk1
Effects: Spring reverb ripped out of a Fender Frontman 25R amp, various guitar pedals (not used on this song)
E-Guitar: Fender Mustang (with flatwound strings), Acoustic guitars: cheapest housebrand crap, E-Bass: Cheap Jazz-Bass copy (with flatwound strings), Main Amp: Old japanese solid-state amp called "Astro Puls Mighty Reverb" :e, Organ: Crb Tanzanite/Diamond600, Electric Piano: Hohner Pianet T, Snare: Sonor Smart Force Steel, The rest of the drums are junk (16" tom as bassdrum, old crappy snare as hightom), Cymbals: Ufip Ritmo 14" Hi-Hats, Ufip Ritmo 20" ride
Mics: Superlux S241 condensor, old Beyer M88, Shure Sm58, T.Bone RB500 ribbon, Pronomic ribbon, cheap T.bone dynamic, some other various crap mics
Art Tube MP/C as additional preamp & opto comp (but i rarely use the comp)
Sony 3-head cassette recorder for tape-delay etc

Awesome, thanks! You do a good job of proving the gear snobs (who scoff at anything "prosumer") wrong. :)
Another 4 track collaboration....

Michigan- Electronic Drums
East Coast- Guitar
Washington DC- Bass
Arizona- Harmonica and Vocals

Another 4 track collaboration....
Michigan- Electronic Drums
East Coast- Guitar
Washington DC- Bass
Arizona- Harmonica and Vocals

A little too much sub-bass for my taste (and it will probably upset the neighbours). Other than that, it's quite nice and listenable. What did you use for the delay?


Here's one of mine:

Recorded on an Otari MX80, with help from a TASCAM TSR-8 (e.g. the slowed-down intro). Mixed down to a Studer A807. The mellotron pitch bend was achieved using tape varispeed on the A807.
Tape delay was a Watkins Copicat.
I had a little digitech hardwire pedal I was using for that

Wow!!!! Prodigal Son is great!!!! There must be a knack for finding "space" to separate everything. I was playing with that the other day on a four track and never could seem to get it right. You do a great job of finding space for everything.
I had a little digitech hardwire pedal I was using for that

Wow!!!! Prodigal Son is great!!!! There must be a knack for finding "space" to separate everything. I was playing with that the other day on a four track and never could seem to get it right. You do a great job of finding space for everything.

Thanks. Getting all the instruments to sit well together is actually a real problem for me, so it's nice to hear that it paid off this time. The chorused tape cello was a particular problem. You can hear it at the start, but it kind of fades out fairly soon and only reappears in a couple of places because it tended to get in the way. On the multitrack it's present throughout most of the song. So I guess, knowing when to remove things is part of the trick.

A mad genius composer friend and I just self-released this children's prog / RIO / simulated Italian soundtrack album. (Actually recorded several years ago mostly on the same Fostex 8 track that I did my album "Truck Month" on.) Recommended if you like the Residents and Faust and the usual suspects. Was an actual performing band for a little while.

One song had to be cut out of the master and replaced with a disc to tape dub of itself from a slightly messed-up 45rpm reference lacquer in order to achieve an aesthetic goal. That's the one with surface noise.
pdmillar, thats some really far out-cool stuff!

i finally got around to using my tascam 58 and recorded this harsh noise jam with a friend at 1am during the full moon after the rest of the band went to sleep :) not for the faint of heart, lol.

sm57 on the guitar cab, beta 52 on bass cab & had a royer sf 12 stereo ribbon room mic through ssl g383 pres with a bit of eq, no further processing

A mad genius composer friend and I just self-released this children's prog / RIO / simulated Italian soundtrack album. (Actually recorded several years ago mostly on the same Fostex 8 track that I did my album "Truck Month" on.) Recommended if you like the Residents and Faust and the usual suspects. Was an actual performing band for a little while.

One song had to be cut out of the master and replaced with a disc to tape dub of itself from a slightly messed-up 45rpm reference lacquer in order to achieve an aesthetic goal. That's the one with surface noise.

Wow! Really like this. That first song is really cool. I'm also hearing some Zappa in there instrumentally speaking.
I'm gonna have to star breaking out some synths for some of my upcoming stuff.
pdmillar, thats some really far out-cool stuff!

i finally got around to using my tascam 58 and recorded this harsh noise jam with a friend at 1am during the full moon after the rest of the band went to sleep :) not for the faint of heart, lol.

sm57 on the guitar cab, beta 52 on bass cab & had a royer sf 12 stereo ribbon room mic through ssl g383 pres with a bit of eq, no further processing

Loving this one too. Reminding me of Massive Attack or Portis head a little. Im imagining some reverb laden female vocals weaving in and out of this. I also like how the bass sounds somewhat distant.
Well done.
Two songs recently recorded with my band (and with accompanying videos).

Tracked and mixed on tape down to 1/4" stereo then final mix digitized and overall volume raised a bit.

Songs are called 'Nightcats' and 'Everyday'
