unhappy about the greg_L ban

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Lt. Bob

Spread the Daf!
I've been watching him .... it's been quite a while since he's argued with anyone and barely even comes here except for the football and tone threads.

Looks very much like ANY complaint against him is simply accepted as valid with absolutely no consideration that perhaps the complaint was unwarranted.

And this is Primetime where we are allowed to discuss such things as long as it's polite.
I'm being polite so save any comments as to 'how dare I ask such a question"?

It's a valid question .... he is absolutely one of the very best recordists left on the site .... has been extremely helpful to a lot of people and absolutely has been on his best behavior.

Seems unfair to be so biased against him that relative newcomers who actually haven't even interacted that much with him can fabricate outrage and get him banned.

That's all.

I told him this was going to happen, ironically enough, at a time when he was defending the Mods and I was opposed to some of the changes.

He had good information but he also picked too many fights. Personally I would not have done it. Then again I am decidedly anti-banning.
Hey Lt. Bob,
I agree with you about Greg's recording skill and knowledge and, in that respect, feel it's a great loss.

I would say, however, that this is not about a bias against anyone from newcomers.
I'm well aware of a friction there but it certainly runs deeper than that.

We've really responded to the forum and that's the truth.
Of course it won't be 100% of the forum and a lot of people wont like it or agree, but it's enough that it couldn't be ignored (anymore) and the opinions/complaints/reports have been consistent, varied and valid.
Already said this to you, Steenamaroo, but I'll stick it here to see what other people think.

If complaints aren't from people who actually record and just use the site to chat shit, I wouldn't bother taking them seriously. The site is about learning home recording excellence and Greg has a lot to offer in that regard.

Sure he's a bit abrasive and he'll tell you you're tone sounds like shit. If you take the time to not be offended and ask him what he thinks the problem is and what you can do about it, you'll learn something.
Teh gerg is the archetypal punk who doesn't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks. Few if any of the members here are his equal in terms of talent. Fewer still have an opinion worth listening to, about music, recording or the relative merits of a member like Greg. In my opinion the mods have erred.

*Just as a point of order - this thread should probably be in Feedback as opposed to Prime Time.
Just curious. Is this a build-up or did something specific go down?
No, nothing specific happened.

If complaints aren't from people who actually record and just use the site to chat shit, I wouldn't bother taking them seriously. The site is about learning home recording excellence and Greg has a lot to offer in that regard.
Noted but any complaints or reports are considered from all angles.

Sure he's a bit abrasive and he'll tell you you're tone sounds like shit. If you take the time to not be offended and ask him what he thinks the problem is and what you can do about it, you'll learn something.
Teh gerg is the archetypal punk who doesn't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks.

I suppose this is what it boils down to. No one seems to disagree but there's a divide on whether or not it's a problem.
A lot of members have consistently considered it a problem for a long time although I suspect not many of them will be vocal about it in here.
That's their call.

Lol. Leave it in Prime Time. Greg can read it for a laugh
A lot of members have consistently considered it a problem for a long time although I suspect not many of them will be vocal about it in here.
That's their call.
Of course it is. Whether to be open, honest and upstanding or a devious chickenshit is always a personal call.
I suppose this is what it boils down to. No one seems to disagree but there's a divide on whether or not it's a problem.

I agree this is the crux of the problem.
It's pretty easy to be offended by someone. I wonder how many members who been offended by being told something is shit have taken the time to respond by asking, what Greg thinks is shit and what he thinks they can improve about it. My guess is, not many.

People shouldn't be too quick to defend their own output. The reason most people post on this site is for criticism and advice on how to improve, not for praise. My recordings are generally shit to average but are getting better, no one has criticised them and said they were shit more than Greg. Also, no one has helped me improve them more.
I just always avoided him. I will be honest, he may have the talent but not sure the price was worth the admission.

Not happy he was banned, but I am not sorry he is gone either.
The only problem I had with Greg is he was a broken record who would say the same thing in every thread, like how people should use real drums, turn their 100w amp to 10, and play barre chords like the Ramones did instead of power chords like hacks do. That's fine and I agree in ways and like a lot of that music, but there's other music in the world -- maybe with his time freed up now he can explore it. His beating of that dead horse and shaming of people who didn't care about those things made sifting through threads difficult. I don't think I ever filed a complaint against him for any reason and generally think bans are dumb, but on the flipside I'll enjoy sifting through less words to find more well-rounded information. There was always a lot of negative energy around the threads he was in.

It also seemed like there was a group of people who tried to kiss up to him and get his approval, which was weird to watch.
I just always avoided him. I will be honest, he may have the talent but not sure the price was worth the admission.

Not happy he was banned, but I am not sorry he is gone either.

Well said. Bottom line is the guy was a jerk. That said, I also simply avoided him. Why poke the bear? Life's too short. I wouldn't have banned him, but won't lose sleep over his being gone.

Although he's probably back already under another username. :)
I agree this is the crux of the problem.
It's pretty easy to be offended by someone. I wonder how many members who been offended by being told something is shit have taken the time to respond by asking, what Greg thinks is shit and what he thinks they can improve about it. My guess is, not many.

People shouldn't be too quick to defend their own output. The reason most people post on this site is for criticism and advice on how to improve, not for praise. My recordings are generally shit to average but are getting better, no one has criticised them and said they were shit more than Greg. Also, no one has helped me improve them more.

Sure, that's a legit question and conclusion but complaints about Greg aren't/weren't limited to feedback style.
The last straw was probably his "white privilege, thanks" blurb under his name, along with the giving the finger avatar.

I saw someone complain about his "flair" on a recent thread. I don't remember who it was.

The blurb and avatar have been removed from his profile.

Pretty lame if that's what instigated the banning.

It would be nice if there was a little more transparency from the mods on the factors that led to the ban, so others don't make the same "mistake", as the ban wasn't based on a "specific incident".

Free the Gerg!
The last straw was probably his "white privilege, thanks" blurb under his name, along with the giving the finger avatar.

I saw someone complain about his "flair" on a recent thread. I don't remember who it was.

The blurb and avatar have been removed from his profile.

Pretty lame if that's what instigated the banning.

It would be nice if there was a little more transparency from the mods on the factors that led to the ban, so others don't make the same "mistake", as the ban wasn't based on a "specific incident".

Free the Gerg!

His avatar and personal statement had nothing to do with it.
There's no lack of transparency. Stacks of people for months on end have complained regularly, and with reasonable cause, about Greg.

With the greatest of respect to him, you'd have to try very hard, ignoring the appeals, advice, requests, and ultimately demands, of four moderators and a few admin in order to make the same 'mistake'.
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