The New Tone Thread

I don't expect I'll like it much either. I kind of like the big versions, but it's just too much gain. The big ones will do a reasonable clean though. I just wanna play with one and see what's up. I have no interest in buying one.

I know for a fact they won't have a bastardized 4x12 cab or a matching EVH cab though. So no dice on the cab. I'll have to just use a regular 1960.

Lol, I know you won't find a Marshall cab like I've got, it's definitely one of a kind...:laughings:.Try to run it through some greenbacks if it's possible dude, I think the lower watt speakers are a good match for this amp. Turn it up loud if you get a chance, on mine, the goods start about 3 or so on the volume knob, to me, it doesn't get much louder when you hit about 3 on the volume, it just gets dirtier with the power tube breakup. It does get mushy sounding past about 8 though...

I'd like to hear what you think about it honestly man, again, I like mine a lot & have been playing quite a bit the last few days...

I'm kinda regretting those 8 ohm speakers now though, wish I could run both cabs at the same time, but it's not possible. The amp only has one output jack, & the impedance would be a mis-match if I daisy chained 'em...
I have tried the Bassbreakers already. I like them. But it wasn't the little one. I think the ones I played were the 18/30 and the 45.

Ah, I tried the 15W head. Its cheep and I liked it. Just wish it had two channels.

I annoyingly can't seem to find an amp that has everything just how I want it
Lol, I know you won't find a Marshall cab like I've got, it's definitely one of a kind...:laughings:.Try to run it through some greenbacks if it's possible dude, I think the lower watt speakers are a good match for this amp. Turn it up loud if you get a chance, on mine, the goods start about 3 or so on the volume knob, to me, it doesn't get much louder when you hit about 3 on the volume, it just gets dirtier with the power tube breakup. It does get mushy sounding past about 8 though...

I'd like to hear what you think about it honestly man, again, I like mine a lot & have been playing quite a bit the last few days...

I'm kinda regretting those 8 ohm speakers now though, wish I could run both cabs at the same time, but it's not possible. The amp only has one output jack, & the impedance would be a mis-match if I daisy chained 'em...
Well I'll give it a shot. I got kicked out of that GC the last time I cranked some shit. Lol. They need to look at my fucking store history and give me some VIP treatment.

Ah, I tried the 15W head. Its cheep and I liked it. Just wish it had two channels.

I annoyingly can't seem to find an amp that has everything just how I want it

Oh yeah, I think I tried the 15. It had this structure knob that cycled through gain ranges.

There are plenty amps out there that can do whatever you wanna do. The question is - how much do you wanna spend?
Well I'll give it a shot. I got kicked out of that GC the last time I cranked some shit. Lol. They need to look at my fucking store history and give me some VIP treatment.

Oh yeah, I think I tried the 15. It had this structure knob that cycled through gain ranges.

There are plenty amps out there that can do whatever you wanna do. The question is - how much do you wanna spend?

Ideally I wouldn't want to spend more than 600 quid on a head. In the short term I would use my Blackstar or Peavy as cabs.

Ideally I'd like a "lunchbox" so I could just stick it in my bag to travel with during the week.

I just want a clean channel that is crystal with a volume control.
A gain channel where the range of gain is usable and a separate volume so you can balance the volume of the two channels. And a master volume.

Being able to balance the volume of the channels is pretty much essential live and I find it handy for recording too 'cos you don't have to spend much time fucking about with the mic gain on the AI. If I can get all my signals hitting the mic at about the same level it makes the whole mixing process so much easier.

The Blackstar has all this, although the amount of gain on the gain channel is affected quite a lot by the volume as well as the gain knob + the voicing of the amp isn't quite what I'm after.
You sound like a candidate for a Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister.

Ah... those vulgar things covered in blue lights?

I still haven't managed to test a Victory V30. This doesn't appear to have a separate volume on the gain channel though so I think it might end up being too loud for what I want.
Yup. Thy are hideous, but sound pretty good.

Looking at the does have two master volumes.

V30 The Countess - Victory Amplifiers

Oh yeah - didn't see that! That's still on the list then. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get the sound I was after until I got really loud - I've read that amp is closer to 40W than 30W. I've played through one once and it was fucking loud. They're £800 quid - but I'll keep them on the list 'cos they seem to be really highly rated.

I can't find somewhere locally that stocks Hughes and Ketner. Saying that I can't find somewhere locally that stocks Victory either.

Have you seen the new Victory which is supposed to be their plexi clone?
Oh yeah - didn't see that! That's still on the list then. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get the sound I was after until I got really loud - I've read that amp is closer to 40W than 30W. I've played through one once and it was fucking loud. They're £800 quid - but I'll keep them on the list 'cos they seem to be really highly rated.

I can't find somewhere locally that stocks Hughes and Ketner. Saying that I can't find somewhere locally that stocks Victory either.

Have you seen the new Victory which is supposed to be their plexi clone?

Is that the "sheriff"? I saw it on the site. Sounds pretty good.
Is that the "sheriff"? I saw it on the site. Sounds pretty good.

Yeah, that's the one - not sure its my cup of tea. But it seems like a good amp - probably too loud too.

I've found a Hughes and Kettner stockist in Reading which is about 1:20 drive from here and I have a mate who lives near there so I could go see him and combine it with a trip to Anderton's to check the Victory amps out as I have another mate that lives there.

There's two H&K stockist up by Bubba!
I know I am.
They do seem like they are just the sort of thing I need really, not too expensive, plenty of options, variable output and a genuinely effective emulated out.

I've just found a stockist, weirdly in the South Wales valleys - really odd place for a guitar shop.. Not too far out of my way - might try and get there on Monday.
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If you need a little amp and quiet recording, those Tubemeisters are probably the best lunchbox amp there is for the price. And I think that they BY FAR have the best emulated line out.
I'm also liking that Danelectro '64 ..... that has the vibe too.

An-n-n-n-nd, I could get a Firebird for 1100 bucks!

My 65th birthday coming up ..... maybe I deserve something special ..... ;)
actually though, if I had some money I think I'd look at some of the new bad-ass lightweight PA systems ..... that'd be more practical.
My 65th birthday coming up ..... maybe I deserve something special ..... ;)

Haha, yes you do.

I was in talks with the Hallmark guy about having a custom 60 Custom made for me. No trem, tune-o-matic/stopbar tailpiece. One knob, one humbucker. Sort of like a Mosrite shaped LP Jr. Black and gold Saints burst. Lol. Would be cool. I might still do it.