I really fucking hate this guy

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On The Moral Maze last night (BBC radio programme where people argue against a panel on various subjects) they were discussing hypocrisy. A political scientist was arguing that hypocrisy is a necessity for politicians as without it they wouldn't be able to ever say anything in case situations turned such that they couldn't keep to their statements. Another person was arguing that while we tend to be hypocrites, it's actually a good thing as otherwise we wouldn't be able to aim higher than being consistently shit.
On The Moral Maze last night (BBC radio programme where people argue against a panel on various subjects) they were discussing hypocrisy. A political scientist was arguing that hypocrisy is a necessity for politicians as without it they wouldn't be able to ever say anything in case situations turned such that they couldn't keep to their statements. Another person was arguing that while we tend to be hypocrites, it's actually a good thing as otherwise we wouldn't be able to aim higher than being consistently shit.

Its a real pity that politicians can't change their minds about things or change strategy based on new evidence coming to light.
Saw this on Facebook this morning:

Some countries still see the value in having an educated population, rather than worrying about how much it's costing them as individuals. You want there to be doctors and nurses to look after you when you're old or sick.

And so I'll be waiting for the Mars mission launched by Denmark. :D

The point is, its NOT FREE. People bite on the Santa Claus aspect, but the fact is the lowest house maid, fry cook pays about 35% in income tax. In the US those people get an earned income tax credit. Nothing is free, there is no free lunch but their are a bunch of people with the economic outlook of a pre-preschooler looking up the chimney for Santa.
I'm not kidding (well, some sarcasm, but sarcasm is another way to prove a point). If this story outrages you to that level, and you eat meat, how can you seriously get that outraged? I eat meat, and sure, it sucks to watch the lion die like that, but then I remember that if I'm eating, say, a roasted chicken, someone had to kill one to bring it to me. Again, in the case of pork, pigs are actually pretty smart creatures. . . smarter than your average pet dog or cat, but it's considered normal, so we don't get outraged. In reality, creatures like cows are a lot more harmless and defenseless than a giant murdering lion. I just don't understand why it's such a trigger for people's rage. It reminds me of the Dinero movie where everyone sat and watched people being shot for an hour and a dog gets shot and it's suddenly a "controversial movie".

It goes like this.

I eat fish, because fish isn't like me.

I eat a pig because I pig is more like me, more than a fish, but it still not a something you can pet.

I eat a cow because its more like me than a pig or a fish.

I pay someone else to get blood all over them to put this meat on my plate.

I don't eat a lion because it doesn't taste as good as (It is sold as meat for food in the US, mail order BTW)

Lions are cool. Cows are not.

Lions are cool because we don't have to worry about our children being eaten by them, or our cattle being killed by them. They are safely on NAT-GEO channel where they belong.

I am an American. :laughings:
It goes like this.

I eat fish, because fish isn't like me.

I eat a pig because I pig is more like me, more than a fish, but it still not a something you can pet.

I eat a cow because its more like me than a pig or a fish.

I pay someone else to get blood all over them to put this meat on my plate.

I don't eat a lion because it doesn't taste as good as (It is sold as meat for food in the US, mail order BTW)

Lions are cool. Cows are not.

Lions are cool because we don't have to worry about our children being eaten by them, or our cattle being killed by them. They are safely on NAT-GEO channel where they belong.

I am an American. :laughings:

Agreed. At this point they have to be just trolling us.

Please tell me why this is only a story in the western world and not in Asia, South America, Russia, or most of Africa?

---------- Update ----------

Can you blame ANYONE for hating people? Animals don't choose to be pieces of shit. People do.

At least you admit it. :D
Please tell me why this is only a story in the western world and not in Asia, South America, Russia, or most of Africa?

It's a story everywhere. Particularly in Zimbabwe, which in case you didn't know, probably don't, is in Africa.

---------- Update ----------

At least you admit it. :D

That was never in question, which is why I can't understand why you'd defend the idiot that killed the lion.
I know, and it's ridiculous. . . but if you wear a leather jacket, how isn't it any less ridiculous. You wanted to look cool, so you hired someone to murder some cows, and turn their skin into your jacket. The difference is that we've far removed ourselves from the reality of what we consume, but that reality is there whether we realize it or not. I've known some vegans here and there, and they sometimes have a moral reason for not eating meat. If they were to get angry about Cecil the giant house cat being shot, it would make perfect sense, because it's consistent with their ethics. On the other hand, someone who is eating a meat diet who gets morally outraged makes no sense. If Cecil the lion getting shot outrages you, why aren't you preaching fire and brimstone down the butcher's isle at the grocery store as well? Be consistent.

What don't you get about the difference between a jackass Minnesota dentist paying $50K to get his dick hard killing a lion - for a TROPHY ON HIS F*ING WALL - compared to people raising and killing animals for food/clothing?
He claims College is free in Denmark. First their tax rates for everyone including the poor is though the roof. (as it was when I lived in Germany).
they pick at an early age who goes to college for free. if you don't make the cut, then you just get to pay for someone's kid who does, but its "Free"...

I wish a lot these people would live in Europe and see what all that tax money buys you. If you like it, please stay.

I agree "free" is the wrong word. There is no free lunch. Most Europeans pay less than half of what we pay for healthcare though - and their quality of care is just as good. When getting sick often bankrupts families, having low taxes is rather less awesome. Here in the states as recently as 2009 health and hospital fees were the primary cause of 60% of bankruptcy cases. In every other wealthy industrialized country that number is a fraction of that because they all have universal healthcare.
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