How to record electric guitars

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Somebody needs to start a band with the guy that said hitting drums hard makes them "sound like ass". :D

That's the inherent problem with internet forums. It allows really stupid people to say really stupid things like hitting the drums hard sounds bad, or that speaker cabs rattle and loud volumes make you play bad. If you don't verbally slap those repugnant dumbshits in the mouth, their stupid comments could steer someone wrong, and that's almost as bad as saying the stupid things yourself.
Name one genre where recording good guitar tracks doesn't require a good amp working at peak performance while being played well. Name one legendary guitarist or guitar track done without any "amp contribution".

Are we counting digital amps here as well?
There are lots of legendary guitarists that play and record with them nowadays and not all of them send them into cabs and mic it. There is a lot of DI-ing.
What I was trying to say before he kicked of the abuse. Some need amps and volume, other's don't. No idea why this winds him up? Most people understand.
Are we counting digital amps here as well?
There are lots of legendary guitarists that play and record with them nowadays and not all of them send them into cabs and mic it. There is a lot of DI-ing.

There always has been. There's a lot of autotune and drum programs too. That doesn't mean it's good. A lot of you embrace this new technology as a new standard. You accept that recording music without actually making a sound is a good thing. It's so cool! It isn't. It's a cheap facsimile of the old standard for the lazy and/or ignorant. Spin it however you need to. All I'm saying is real amps make better guitar tracks. If you want to track killer guitar tracks, then use an amp, turn it up, play your part well. If you think that's wrong, what can I say? High-fives all around for the ignorant.
What I was trying to say before he kicked of the abuse. Some need amps and volume, other's don't. No idea why this winds him up? Most people understand.

Because the points you made are empty, moot, and frankly, just stupid. I don't accept and celebrate your half assed mediocrity.
There always has been. There's a lot of autotune and drum programs too. That doesn't mean it's good. A lot of you embrace this new technology as a new standard. You accept that recording music without actually making a sound is a good thing. It's so cool! It isn't. It's a cheap facsimile of the old standard for the lazy and/or ignorant. Spin it however you need to. All I'm saying is real amps make better guitar tracks. If you want to track killer guitar tracks, then use an amp, turn it up, play your part well. If you think that's wrong, what can I say? High-fives all around for the ignorant.

Because the points you made are empty, moot, and frankly, just stupid. I don't accept and celebrate your half assed mediocrity.
Bang!!!! Zoom!!!!!!


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There always has been. There's a lot of autotune and drum programs too. That doesn't mean it's good. A lot of you embrace this new technology as a new standard. You accept that recording music without actually making a sound is a good thing. It's so cool! It isn't. It's a cheap facsimile of the old standard for the lazy and/or ignorant. Spin it however you need to. All I'm saying is real amps make better guitar tracks. If you want to track killer guitar tracks, then use an amp, turn it up, play your part well. If you think that's wrong, what can I say? High-fives all around for the ignorant.

I just question why literal multi-millionaires choose to use these things then despite having used the very best and exclusive tube amps their entire life and having at least twenty roadies doing their bidding. I wouldn't consider these guys ignorant or half assed.
Neither money, space or hassle are an argument here. All that's left is sound.
I just question why literal multi-millionaires choose to use these things then despite having used the very best and exclusive tube amps their entire life and having at least twenty roadies doing their bidding. I wouldn't consider these guys ignorant or half assed.
Neither money, space or hassle are an argument here. All that's left is sound.

They're also out of touch and just entertaining themselves. They also have an army of sycophants that wouldn't tell them "no" anyway. They also already made their name USING REAL AMPS FOR DECADES. Seriously, if Eric Clapton chooses to use an AxeFX tomorrow that doesn't mean anything. No one's gonna go chasing his 2015 guitar sound. They're still trying to re-create his Bluesbreaker stuff 50 years later.

Again, spin it however you want to justify your own shortcomings. Look for any example to justify why you can't or won't use real amps. I really don't care. But don't lie to my face by telling me a fake amp is better than a real amp because superstar x uses one now.
My God you change your stance like a politician! You even change things to suit - you asked who plays without amps, and once people give you a few, you change your tack, and end up saying that Clapton's current sound isn't what anyone want (apart from him of course). How can you make points against questions that change. So you have gone from nobody does it, to nobody does it who's sound you don't like?

We don't actually have any shortcomings that influence us at all. We are not saying you HAVE play without amps, we're just saying that they are NOT compulsory - at any level from beginner to seasoned named professional players.

Not much point trying to open closed minds - you are happy with your opinion, why does it have to be the only one? I also wonder why you have to be so horrible and bad tempered? Ranting because you think I'm wrong just make people wonder about your state?

Nobody is lying to you, Greg.
I'm not saying that they're better, I'm saying that they can definitely hold their own and there might be a reason why a lot of tone fetishists have started using them.

I don't think any of us can deny an LP into a Marshall (my two favorite guitarists, Slash and early Zakk Wylde, have been rocking that for almost thirty years now) but digital can do some pretty cool stuff.

@rob: don't "we" me into your post. ;)
My God you change your stance like a politician! You even change things to suit - you asked who plays without amps, and once people give you a few, you change your tack, and end up saying that Clapton's current sound isn't what anyone want (apart from him of course). How can you make points against questions that change. So you have gone from nobody does it, to nobody does it who's sound you don't like?
I'm sure Greg doesn't need me to step in for him, but until he responds.....

He didn't change anything. Nice try. Nobody gave him any names of any guitar players, what are you talking about? HE's the one that used Clapton as an example. He could have used anyone as an example, and what he said makes total sense. If someone was trying to achieve Clapton's sound, do you think they'd be trying to get his shitty 80's sound or later? Or do you think they'd try to achieve his classic sound from the 60's?

If you want to talk about changing stances and using horrible examples, go back to your genius "rattling amps" statement. Or how about your other genius "Loud amps make me pee my pants and I can't play well". That's just laughable. But that's come to be expected from you.
My God you change your stance like a politician! You even change things to suit - you asked who plays without amps, and once people give you a few, you change your tack, and end up saying that Clapton's current sound isn't what anyone want (apart from him of course). How can you make points against questions that change. So you have gone from nobody does it, to nobody does it who's sound you don't like?
More nonsensical bullshit from you. I don't know what Clapton uses. I just used his name as an example. That's not changing tack, that's me trying to make sense of your kind of idiocy.

We don't actually have any shortcomings that influence us at all. We are not saying you HAVE play without amps, we're just saying that they are NOT compulsory - at any level from beginner to seasoned named professional players.
They're not compulsory, they're just better than the lesser alternatives. You can fuck a vagina, or your hand. I'll choose vagina, you use your hand. It's cool. If you want to record shit, there are plenty of non-amp ways for you to do it. Knock yourself out.

Not much point trying to open closed minds - you are happy with your opinion, why does it have to be the only one? I also wonder why you have to be so horrible and bad tempered? Ranting because you think I'm wrong just make people wonder about your state?
I couldn't care less what you or anyone else thinks of "my state". I've said nothing that's non-factual, so arguing with me about it makes you the questionable one here. I'm bad tempered when stupid people say stupid things. It's a natural reaction.

Just for the sake of discussion. Are you talking about live playing or recording? I'm guessing that many "pro"s that use sims live still use real amps in the studio. Sims make sense live because of convenience, bleed, etc....But recording, you simply want to get the best sound you can.

I can't find it now, but someone posted something a few days ago, of this session player who has played with just about everyone from Michael Jackson to whoever else. The hoops this guy goes through just to mic his amp in his studio are insane. He runs his guitar cable all the way to his basement where his amps are, then the mic cables back up to his studio, etc....I'm sure he can use sims, but he prefers to mic those amps and finds the "hassle" well worth it.
Nobody is lying to you, Greg.
I'm not saying that they're better, I'm saying that they can definitely hold their own and there might be a reason why a lot of tone fetishists have started using them.

I don't think any of us can deny an LP into a Marshall (my two favorite guitarists, Slash and early Zakk Wylde, have been rocking that for almost thirty years now) but digital can do some pretty cool stuff.

@rob: don't "we" me into your post. ;)

It's not about who uses what guitar and amp. I don't care which guitarist uses a sim. Pete Townshend looks at kid p0rn. I guess that's okay. Lol. I'm not falling for superstar x uses this product so it must be awesome. I don't even hate "digital amps". Digital recording does some pretty cool stuff. Digital amps give you a two dimensional series of 1s and 0s to simulate real amps. I don't see how anyone could defend that as better. And the "holding their own" defense is exactly settling for mediocrity. You say something "holds it's own" as a compliment in losing. Hey, that team lost, but they held their own! Maybe you have to settle, and that's fine. I know now everyone is capable of using real amps in their current financial or living situation. But goddamn don't fucking try to tell me it's better. :laughings:
When you are a superstar, I'll value your opinion. Dismissing everyone's opinion apart from your own just makes me smile.

I give in - all hail to Greg, he is the fountain of all things accurate and totally without any doubt at all.

I'll just go out and order a nice big amp and huge cabinet and turn up - and that will be appreciated by just whom?

RAMI's link about the guy who runs cables all over would be fun to read. I wouldn't dismiss his attempts to get that particular sound, but the laughs at his expense, behind his back must be legendary. Rather like the audiophool brigade - chasing rainbows.

This is a HOME recording forum, isn't it?

I went back and the post with some names (most I had to Google) has gone - or had the content changed. That was the 'we' I meant. I guess it got a bit rough.
I can't find it now, but someone posted something a few days ago, of this session player who has played with just about everyone from Michael Jackson to whoever else. The hoops this guy goes through just to mic his amp in his studio are insane. He runs his guitar cable all the way to his basement where his amps are, then the mic cables back up to his studio, etc....I'm sure he can use sims, but he prefers to mic those amps and finds the "hassle" well worth it.

Here ya go man...

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