How to Record Multiple Tracks Simultaneously on PC ??


New member
I have 4 instruments , I want to record these simultaneously on my PC ?? The problem is that how will i input these into my PC.

I know i can use mixer but it will send as a single track.
Is their any Inexpensive mixer that can send the Audio inputs to PC as different tracks.

Please Help,
Thank You,
I have 4 instruments , I want to record these simultaneously on my PC ?? The problem is that how will i input these into my PC.

I know i can use mixer but it will send as a single track.
Is their any Inexpensive mixer that can send the Audio inputs to PC as different tracks.

Please Help,
Thank You,

Inexpensive is a relative term.

Can you do it for $50? No.
Can you do it for $300? Yes.

What are you recording? Are you using mics, or direct inputs from fx pedals etc.? What kind of budget are you looking at?

Beware.....Home recording is kind of like pandoras box.
I have 4 instruments , I want to record these simultaneously on my PC ?? The problem is that how will i input these into my PC.

I know i can use mixer but it will send as a single track.
Is their any Inexpensive mixer that can send the Audio inputs to PC as different tracks.

Please Help,
Thank You,

Know your location in the world will help in answering your question. Here in the US something that cost $50. to $100. may cost twice that in an other country due to import tax etc. etc.

Here in the US something that cost $50. to $100.

For a single two-channel interface, maybe. He needs either multiple cards or an outboard unit like haymedic said. I've heard multiple cards don't play well together in the same PC, so I'd get the outboard device.
Here's a good start. It comes with Cubase LE 4 48-track:

Then, you just hook everybody just like this:

There you go. ;)
Here's a good start. It comes with Cubase LE 4 48-track:
TASCAM US-1641 |

Then, you just hook everybody just like this:

There you go. ;)

I know this is an old post but I am fairly new to a lot of this stuff. What I want to do is do live multi-track recording with the PC while not interfering with my current set. I do sound for my church and they have a 32 channel Yamaha, I don't remember the model number. What I would like to do is be able to send the separate tracks from that to the PC so I can fine tune the recordings. Would this be possible? Let me know if you need more info.

BTW great drawing. helped a ton
I know this is an old post but I am fairly new to a lot of this stuff. What I want to do is do live multi-track recording with the PC while not interfering with my current set. I do sound for my church and they have a 32 channel Yamaha, I don't remember the model number. What I would like to do is be able to send the separate tracks from that to the PC so I can fine tune the recordings. Would this be possible? Let me know if you need more info.

BTW great drawing. helped a ton

The answer is no.

Not without an interface that has 32 tracks, and the yamaha mixer has direct outputs for each of its 32 tracks.

How many of the 32 tracks do you actually use at once? That will tell you how many inputs you need on the interface.
I have 4 instruments , I want to record these simultaneously on my PC ?? The problem is that how will i input these into my PC.

I know i can use mixer but it will send as a single track.
Is their any Inexpensive mixer that can send the Audio inputs to PC as different tracks.

Please Help,
Thank You,

What exactly are the 4 instruments?(one might be a stereo synth).
Is this a "band" situation because you can only play one thing at once as a rule and maybe sing so a 2 input AI might be all you need.

For 2 in 2 out check: Steinberg UR22.

For 2 mic+ 2 line ins. 4 line outs check: Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6

Both AIs have MIDI (as well they should!) and come with a copy of cut down Cubase but Reaper might suit you better.

What exactly are the 4 instruments?(one might be a stereo synth).
Is this a "band" situation because you can only play one thing at once as a rule and maybe sing so a 2 input AI might be all you need.

For 2 in 2 out check: Steinberg UR22.

For 2 mic+ 2 line ins. 4 line outs check: Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6

Both AIs have MIDI (as well they should!) and come with a copy of cut down Cubase but Reaper might suit you better.


The OP, seeing as he first asked his question in 2010, has probably got himself sorted by now.

However, dsherer, the necroposter, now needs help with a similar problem.