Track by track....The life of a song........

  • Thread starter Thread starter RAMI
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I listened to the last file listed (git 3...) in the first post and was about to respond, then saw you'd included a file in your last post, so I then listened to that...

Those drums in scratch vocals.mp3 aren't the same as in the git3reamped...mp3, are they? They're all from a drum machine, though? Why did you swap ersatz drums for ersatz drums?

Vocals sound great, so does the "fizzy" guitar. Drums are the weak link, which I'm sure you have plans to fix when you do the live ones.
Yeah, I think I mentioned it about 5 times in the last few posts. I was bored and couldn't play the drums, so I programmed the drums to the way they'll more or less be in the song. I just thought it would be less annoying than listening to just the generic beat I had before. I will replace them with real drums very soon.

The latest file is this "scratch vocal" track. I can't edit the first post any more, so I don't know if a moderator is going to put it in the first post for me.
Yeah, I think I mentioned it about 5 times in the last few posts. I was bored and couldn't play the drums, so I programmed the drums to the way they'll more or less be in the song. I just thought it would be less annoying than listening to just the generic beat I had before. I will replace them with real drums very soon.

The latest file is this "scratch vocal" track. I can't edit the first post any more, so I don't know if a moderator is going to put it in the first post for me.

Sorry about that, RAMI! Sometimes my "skimming" is about as good as my drumming :)

The latest drum track IS less annoying than the first, so we'll call that a stand-up double. A sweet live drum track will be a home run. And that will be the last time I think of anything related to baseball at all until after March Madness.
Just copying this from the last page so it doesn't get lost until we can hopefully add the latest link to the first post.

Just added a quick vocal idea. I still might add harmonies in the chorus.

None of the instruments are treated yet at ll. This is all no EQ, compression, reverb, etc.....The only things I took some time to do is levels and panning. And, of course, I will replace the drum machine with real drums soon.

Man, I wish I could get into that first post and add this file to it and put them in order. I can't believe we still can't do that after all the useless discussion about it.

Anyway, looks like this might be called "Devil and the Deep Blue Sea":


I like it brother. Was your vocal track doctored (i.e. Antares auto tune, compressed, other, et al) or your true raw sound...?
Also, I hear influence of some of the basic thematic idea material from "Secret Agent Man" Johnny Rivers, Edgar Winter...?
Which primary recording platform do you use? Are you a software, hardware or hybrid proponent? I use the Roland VS2480--don't like dealing with latency or related issues.
Hey, thanx a lot man.

Right now, there's no treatment on anything. No EQ, compression, reverb, delay, etc.....I never auto-tune anyway, so it's not there now and it won't be there later. :D

I use REAPER. I used to do everything on a TASCAM 2488, which was great. But I'm so glad I made the transition to computer recording a few years ago. I was reluctant and did it steps until I made a total transition and I don't regret it at all, as much as using an out board recorder for years definitely taught me a lot.
Quick mix with real drums. My ears might be whacked because I tracked drums and then started mixing almost right away. So, the drums might be too loud, too low, who knows?

I just wanted to put real drums on. I'll mix it properly later.

No EQ, compression, reverb, etc......Everything is raw and dry.

Next step it mixing it. I'll probably start a new thread when I mix it. The fact that we can't edit the first post screwed up this whole idea for me.


Quick mix with real drums. My ears might be whacked because I tracked drums and then started mixing almost right away. So, the drums might be too loud, too low, who knows?

I just wanted to put real drums on. I'll mix it properly later.

No EQ, compression, reverb, etc......Everything is raw and dry.

Next step it mixing it. I'll probably start a new thread when I mix it. The fact that we can't edit the first post screwed up this whole idea for me.

Wow. The dry voice is like velvet! Crushed velvet, in fact.
Is that a good thing? Nothing's crushed, though. It's raw velvet. :D

I guess it used to be. Isn't that what they said about Sinatra's voice? A voice like crushed velvet?

You know, if it were socially acceptable, George Costanza would drape himself in velvet.
Wow. The dry voice is like velvet! Crushed velvet, in fact.

I'm going to let this thread die now. I knew I should have insisted on closing it back on page 2 or whatever page it was. This idea didn't work a all, for a few reasons. Not being able to edit the first post sucks. The mods helped me by adding files to the first post for me, but they're all out of order, so it's just a clusterfuck of files with no continuity.

Anyway, NotThatBright, just wanted to thank you. You're the only one that seemed to show any interest at all in this thing. I really appreciate it. :cool:

I'll start a new thread when I finish the actual mixing, etc....

Mods, if you want to close this, go ahead. Either way, I'm letting it die.

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I'm going to let this thread die now. I knew I should have insisted on closing it back on page 2 or whatever page it was. This idea didn't work a all, for a few reasons. Not being able to edit the first post sucks. The mods helped me by adding files to the first post for me, but they're all out of order, so it's just a clusterfuck of files with no continuity.

Anyway, NotThatBright, just wanted to thank you. You're the only one that seemed to show any interest at all in this thing. I really appreciate it. :cool:

I'll start a new thread when I finish the actual mixing, etc....

Mods, if you want to close this, go ahead. Either way, I'm letting it die.


Don't thank me, I was the one learning. I ask a lot of questions on here with the ultimate goal of being able to crank out something pro-sounding like you and a few other guys on here do. Of course, I'm always hoping that the answers will involve a "trick" of some kind, something I can do easily. With this exercise of yours I learned about all the different steps you go through. It's even more involved than I would have guessed. So if the time comes that I learn to play my instruments and want to take this more seriously, stop winging it and actually come up with quality stuff, I'm going to have to be as methodical as you are and take all those steps that, at this point in my development, would have me pulling my hair out and punching walls. :)