Test...Test....New Monitors, new interface, new everything......

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I feel like I'm working in someone else's studio and I don't know what the hell is going on.

This is my first recording with my new monitors, which are really pumping out the low end compared to what I was using before. I'm also working with a new interface, which records at much different levels than the other one, which surprised me (TASCAM US-1800 records music lower than the US-800). besides that, I still consider my SG a new guitar, and my Fender Super Champ X2 a new amp. Put it all together, I'm getting used to a bunch of new things all at once.

So, I can't tell if the levels and balance on this are good or all over the place. There's no vocals on this yet because I also ordered a new mic which won't come until next week. :eek:

Is this close to sounding normal?

Sounds friggen great man! Glad you are up and running.

Low end sounds just about right to me in my room. Solo track is a bit distant but it's a rough right? :)

Love the change up in the middle!
Beautiful. Yeah, there is still a lot of mixing to go on this one, besides the vocals, etc....

Did you notice that the 1800 records lower than the 800? It's not a bad thing, just lower. I had to bring everything up quite a bit.

Also, I have no idea if I should have the switch n the back at -10 or +4. I put it at +4 (because that must be louder :D ) but I've never understood that switch.
There is just cleaner signal with the 1800 preamps and the range of gain is likely more than that with the 800.

The switches on the back are only relevant to whatever you are sending to inputs 11/12-13/14. Are you using external gear to these inputs? If so, then the output level of the devices/preamps being used there will determine what level to place them at.
There is just cleaner signal with the 1800 preamps and the range of gain is likely more than that with the 800.
But then I thought it the signal would be louder. I'm talking about having the trim knobs all the way down on both units, the 1800 records at lower levels. I'm not complaining, it's really no problem, just something I noticed.

The switches on the back are only relevant to whatever you are sending to inputs 11/12-13/14. Are you using external gear to these inputs? If so, then the output level of the devices/preamps being used there will determine what level to place them at.
I see. I'm going into a "REALISTIC" home stereo receiver. Not sure what that means as far as the switch is concerned, but I'm not too worried about that. I've got so many other fish to fry at this point in time.
Yeah man, wider range meaning less gain as well as more. :)

Naw, the -10/+4 switch has only to do with those line inputs to the 1800. Nothing to do with output levels.

By the way, just so you know (because many have asked this): The 'Monitor Balanced' outputs are 'Line Outputs 1/2' but they are controlled just like the headphone output as far as the 'MIX' knob on the face of the 1800. In other words, if you change the level from 'Input' or 'Computer, the Monitor output will mirror that. If you do not want the 'Mix' knob to change what you hear in your monitors, (and only the headphone output) then connect them or your amp powering them to the 'Line Out 1/2'. Or 3/4 for a second pair if wanted.
Yeah man, wider range meaning less gain as well as more. :)
Ah ok, great. Thanx

Naw, the -10/+4 switch has only to do with those line inputs to the 1800. Nothing to do with output levels.
Perfect. One less thing to worry about.

By the way, just so you know (because many have asked this): The 'Monitor Balanced' outputs are 'Line Outputs 1/2' but they are controlled just like the headphone output as far as the 'MIX' knob on the face of the 1800. In other words, if you change the level from 'Input' or 'Computer, the Monitor output will mirror that. If you do not want the 'Mix' knob to change what you hear in your monitors, then connect them or your amp powering them to the 'Line Out 1/2'. Or 3/4 for a second pair if wanted.
Awesome man, thanx. I'll play around with all that and see what I like. Right now I'm using the monitor outs. Didn't even notice there was a line out.
Bought a big bag of salmon filets the other day. I can have that shit 4 times a day. Can't get enough fish. :)

I'm gonna fry up some catfish. Only because that what I have in the freeze. Maybe some shrimp and throw in a steak on the grill too. Holy hell I am hungry!
I'm gonna fry up some catfish. Only because that what I have in the freeze. Maybe some shrimp and throw in a steak on the grill too. Holy hell I am hungry!

You just made me hungry. You know, in the last year or so, I've made it a point to really change a few things in my diet, so I don't know if any one thing made the difference, or a bit of everything. I never ate enough vegetables, now I eat more veggies than anyone I've ever known. I also mega-dose on Omega-3, chop up a clove of garlic every morning, and a few other things, like more fish.

Long story short, I think I'm getting younger. I lost the bags I had developed under my eyes a few years ago. I also used to get white sun spots all over my back from the sun. They're completely gone and I even lie in the sun about 20 minutes a day besides spending way more time outside than I ever have. I've got my abs back, which I hadn't seen in about 5 years. I never got fat, but I couldn't build as much muscle and stay lean like I used to. All that has started reversing in the last year. Unfortunately, I changed too many things to be able to determine which one thing was most responsible for the change. So, I'll assume it was everything together.

Between my new health and all the new equipment I'm buying, I was thinking of changing my name, too, since I don't know who the hell I am any more. :D
You just made me hungry. You know, in the last year or so, I've made it a point to really change a few things in my diet, so I don't know if any one thing made the difference, or a bit of everything. I never ate enough vegetables, now I eat more veggies than anyone I've ever known. I also mega-dose on Omega-3, chop up a clove of garlic every morning, and a few other things, like more fish.

Long story short, I think I'm getting younger. I lost the bags I had developed under my eyes a few years ago. I also used to get white sun spots all over my back from the sun. They're completely gone and I even lie in the sun about 20 minutes a day besides spending way more time outside than I ever have. I've got my abs back, which I hadn't seen in about 5 years. I never got fat, but I couldn't build as much muscle and stay lean like I used to. All that has started reversing in the last year. Unfortunately, I changed too many things to be able to determine which one thing was most responsible for the change. So, I'll assume it was everything together.

Between my new health and all the new equipment I'm buying, I was thinking of changing my name, too, since I don't know who the hell I am any more. :D

I have almost always been a veggie fan of sort. A total meat eater, but the veg is what makes a meal work. Not to mention what it does to your energy level and health.

Garlic, spicy peppers and even butter can make the most offensive veg taste good. Salt is my bad seasoning of choice but it sure does make things taste better!

Make the things that are good for you taste good!
I have almost always been a veggie fan of sort. A total meat eater, but the veg is what makes a meal work. Not to mention what it does to your energy level and health.

Garlic, spicy peppers and even butter can make the most offensive veg taste good. Salt is my bad seasoning of choice but it sure does make things taste better!

Make the things that are good for you taste good!
I agree. I don't add salt to anything, though. I love pepper and spices, though. I'm with you on the meat. Vegetarians are the most un-healthy fools I know, generally. Give me my fish, meat, and eggs.....as well as a shit ton of vegetables.

Other than diet, stress plays a big part in how you feel, look, and how healthy you are. Besides everything I described above, I also have a totally stress-free life now compared to the frickin' stressful nightmare I was going through for a few years before that. Things are going so well now that I'm almost expecting to drop dead any second now. :D
I agree. I don't add salt to anything, though. I love pepper and spices, though. I'm with you on the meat. Vegetarians are the most un-healthy fools I know, generally. Give me my fish, meat, and eggs.....as well as a shit ton of vegetables.

Other than diet, stress plays a big part in how you feel, look, and how healthy you are. Besides everything I described above, I also have a totally stress-free life now compared to the frickin' stressful nightmare I was going through for a few years before that. Things are going so well now that I'm almost expecting to drop dead any second now. :D

I agree with everything you said.

Did you end a bad relationship? That is usually the cause of stress and the most likely to make one age quickly. That or drugs/alcohol and lack of income. Both of which seem to be caused by bad relationships. Been there...

Maybe we should rename this thread or start a new 'Healthy Eating' one? :D
Sounds pretty good to me here. Everything is nice and clear.

I think the US1800 will serve you well in your recordings. You can hear the difference in preamps already, in just one song. I'll look forward to hearing the vocals on this later.

:thumbs up:
I agree with everything you said.

Did you end a bad relationship? That is usually the cause of stress and the most likely to make one age quickly. That or drugs/alcohol and lack of income. Both of which seem to be caused by bad relationships. Been there...

Maybe we should rename this thread or start a new 'Healthy Eating' one? :D
Hehe...I don't care about derailing the thread. It's not a real song that I submitted. I just wanted to get an idea on the levels, etc....

Yeah, got out of a relationship about 2 and half years ago. Not blaming anyone but myself for the stress. I said from the day I left that I can only change me, so living in the past or throwing the blame on someone else is a cop out. I did go through a short anger phase, got it all out, and then got on with my life. If I started dwelling on someone else's faults...............oh man, but what good would that do? If there's any "revenge" in life, (I don't feel any. Just can't think of the right word....."redemption" I guess), it's living the kind of life that most people can only envy now, so I got no bitterness. If anything, if I ever feel anger, it's towards myself for not trusting my instincts. They're always right, yet I too often ignore them.

On top of that, you named it all in your last post. Drugs, alcohol, lack of money. It all happened at once. You use the drugs and the alcohol to escape from the relationship, and lack of money. But they both cost you money, so it becomes a vicious circle.

Since then, it took me about a year to adjust, and now it's all great.
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Sounds pretty good to me here. Everything is nice and clear.

I think the US1800 will serve you well in your recordings. You can hear the difference in preamps already, in just one song. I'll look forward to hearing the vocals on this later.

:thumbs up:
OH yeah, the song....I almost forgot. Thanx a lot Mr. C. The 1800 is already awesome if for no other reason than I didn't have to un-plug and re-plug anything just to get a drum track done. :D
Hehe...I don't care about derailing the thread. It's not a real song that I submitted. I just wanted to get an idea on the levels, etc....

Yeah, got out of a relationship about 2 and half years ago. Not blaming anyone but myself for the stress. I said from the day I left that I can only change me, so living in the past or throwing the blame on someone else is a cop out. I did go through a short anger phase, got it all out, and then got on with my life. If I started dwelling on someone else's faults, I could have had a field day with that, but it wouldn't do any good, in fact it would just cause more anger. If there's any "revenge" (I don't feel any. Just can't think of the right word....."redemption" I guess), it's living the kind of life that most people can only envy now, so I got no bitterness. If anything, if I ever feel anger, it's towards myself for not trusting my instincts. They're always right, yet I too often ignore them.

On top of that, you named it all in your last post. Drugs, alcohol, lack of money. It all happened at once. You use the drugs and the alcohol to escape from the relationship, and lack of money. But they both cost you money, so it becomes a vicious circle.

Since then, it took me about a year to adjust, and now it's all great.

Well it sounds like you have the peace of mind to make yourself happy now man. I already knew that tho. I'm psychic. lol!

Things just go in the right direction when we get away from the things that fuck us up. Sucks we don't seem to figure that shit out until it is time for a change. We are all human.

Well, we wish the best for Mr. 'Engineer'. lol