Comfortable with what i have :)

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"well in my 50s"....but just using a hard disk all "all in one" unit is new technology to me and at the same time lets me feel a little at home so to speak and may I add with just as good as results as total DAW systems which Im not scared of but just don't like.Also people like Steely Dan was always on the "cutting edge" with technology and one of the first bands to experiment with digital multitrack(Mitsubichi 32 TK 1" I think) and they have come full circle back to 2" analog a while back for the nice crispiness and warmth of analog.But they are exceptional musicians/composers and still probably edit and arrange as they go instead of splicing/dicing digitally for everything. So back to my point is that, new technology for me is just to record on a multitrack hard disk recorder !!! And guess what....I like it a lot but still am learning to do things differently than in the past. But that doesn't mean that I'll never use analog gear again are throw away the knowledge of what I learned.I just wish people would not look down on us that doesn't like using computers for making music and YES they do look down on us with "portastudios" as if we don't know nothing and that we are just afraid of computers and technology.....BULLSHIT!!!
I am still finding the learning curve to be pretty steep on the DAW route. I don't remember analogue being so much to learn, but I was never especially great at it and I did spend more time working with what I had and not constantly trying to figure out for instance why the HELL my Maschine still can't find the path to my plugins. I just hit play on the Korg DDD-1 and it started playing.

That said, I am making steady progress and I can tell that when I get there recording will be fast and easy, with nearly infinite more creative flexibility than I had before. Kind of like the view from the top of a mountain, you don't get to see the result of your effort until you are arriving at the summit.
Who is looking down on you?

I'm only recently moved over from "portastudio" (hate that term...) to DAW. I don't recall anyone here ever looking down on me in the 10 years I was using a Yamaha AW4416 - I just remember being envious of how easy some stuff seemed to be for everyone else, so when I started working too much around the Yammie's limitations, it was time...

Only the output matters, the method is irrelevant.
That Lt. Bob...

I don't see DAW people looking down on analogue guys much here.
Strangely, I do see analogue guys being defensive however, as if anybody cared what they were doing.
Nobody who knows what they're talking about looks down on analogue or stand-alone digital recorders. They're all just tools to help you achieve what you want to do--and whatever you're comfortable with is the right tool for you.

I happen to be one of those who made the transition to a computer DAW but that was down more to circumstances and luck of the draw. Have fun making music and don't worry about how others do it.

That Lt. Bob...

I don't see DAW people looking down on analogue guys much here.
Strangely, I do see analogue guys being defensive however, as if anybody cared what they were doing.

alrite ...... that's not what happened ....... I didn't tell him anything negative at all nor did we have an issue so don't go phrasing it like I started something. As far as I know our conversation was NOT adversarial and all I did was tell him that I didn't believe anyone here was putting him down over it.

The entire scope of the conversation was identical to the beginning of this thread where he moaned about people putting down on him for using a standalone and I responded politely and exactly like Armistice did telling him that no one's going around putting down on people that don't use 'puters.
Maybe someone in his real life has done that?
But no one around here does ...... I simply haven't seen that around here at all ........ have you?

The ONLY response I ever see people make is basically "whatever works for you"
For whatever reason he seems to want to start a fight with puter users over it.
And BTW, as ya'll know ..... I don't record to a puter either.
Like Bob said, there is no issue. This guy's trying to create one out of nothing. Nobody has looked down on anyone for any reason, and Bob uses analog gear, too, so he certainly wasn't even disagreeing with him.

I don't know man, There seems to be an influx of "why's everybody picking on me" type posts going on lately. Maybe there's something in the water.
I hope someone gets this.
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