Rap Crew Bash Soundie


Senior Member
It's a sad state of affairs when someone trying to earn a living has to put up with this. Article

To be honest after a few bad experiences, I no longer work with rappers live or in the studio due to attitudes, no shows and no paying of bills.

So That poop head Crapper Kerser was finally arrested.

I don't do those type of shows anymore. The last one that I was booked for I bowed out of a week and a half before the date because there was a war at his last show!

Agreed that this isn't even music and boarders on NON art.
Well done to CX for making this an issue. Too many rap acts think the sound operator is there as a prop to be abused. In Australia there are only so many hire facilities with gear suitable for an act the size of Kerser's. Let's hope that none of them will provide any more rentals.
His chances of an international tour seem small but, just in case, I've copied the CX urls to the Blue Room forum in the UK and the Dodgy Technicians site on Facefook.
His chances of an international tour seem small but, just in case, I've copied the CX urls to the Blue Room forum in the UK and the Dodgy Technicians site on Facefook.

His chances of any tour anywhere could take a hit, here is the future production he will be supplied:

How do you register at CX?
I tried to leave a reply but could not. :(

If you look in the right hand column you see "SUBSCRIBE TO CX MAG BLOG VIA EMAIL" Enter you email address hit "Subscribe" then it will ask for some information and your away.

Thanks Alan.
Now do I get a daily or weekly email blog update from CX once I subscribe?

I did the pro-sound one and I get two emails (mostly ads) a day! :mad:
Thanks Alan.
Now do I get a daily or weekly email blog update from CX once I subscribe?

I did the pro-sound one and I get two emails (mostly ads) a day! :mad:

You may get emails, CX are not too bad, but they have a show tour of Oz on at the moment so you may get a few about that, usually it's breaking industry news and whats in the next edition, so emails not too often.
