Rami mix


So, is everyone afraid to attempt to improve on RAMI's mix?

I'm not sure myself, that I could make it better, but that isn't the point. This is not a contest. It is a place to try hands at finding what works from a different perspective. There will be no condescending remarks on this forum. Only learning from each other. If you feel you can do better, then fine, make it a contest for yourself. Otherwise, mix and have fun with it.

Just blabbin my mouth off... :D

You are beige! Aw s**t!

Deleting thread, reporting post, calling my mommy...

It seems your song is to good for anyone to touch. I'm just going to have to screw a mix up so nobody else feels inadequate. :)

Greg, where are you?
Just embarrassed about butchering Rami's awesomeness.

Oh well. Apologies in advance...View attachment 75275


Whoa Paul, that is a bunch of compression going on there. Snare and kick suck out the juice bro. Pull back the grease, and let the tune breathe a bit.

I myself like the way your vocal mix fits with the compressed thing to a degree, but it all seems quite smashed into submission.

You still beat me to a mix tho, so you and DR win......

Sad face emoticon....
I like Paul's second version. Unfortunately, I'm not downloading any link from a file sharing site I do not know, so sorry DrumR, I didn't give a listen. Just post it up here as an attachment.

Here's my version. Straight up Rami mix. My drums will sound different from his and I think I have too much going on out at the sides!!

View attachment SayNoMore.mp3

Thanks for putting up another great Rami toon!! :)
I like Paul's second version. Unfortunately, I'm not downloading any link from a file sharing site I do not know, so sorry DrumR, I didn't give a listen. Just post it up here as an attachment.

Here's my version. Straight up Rami mix. My drums will sound different from his and I think I have too much going on out at the sides!!

View attachment 75279

Thanks for putting up another great Rami toon!! :)

I gotta say Chili, you are great at mixing! I need to sit down and do something like change diapers now...

Great mix man!
I tried to DL these tracks right when they became available, and I got an error. Then I got busy with other stuff. I might be able to do something with it this weekend. I'm starting a hip-hop phase.
I so owe you a Guiness bro! :)

What for?

Holy shit man. First time I've ever opened someone session and just listened through the whole thing, with absolutely no thoughts or inspiration (in a good way).
I like to think this is how BSSM sounded before they mixed it.

If RAMI drops by though, why are the drums so hot, out of interest.
Everything else is like a tracking levels manual for noobs.
Hey guys,

I'm at work so I can't listen to anything now. But it's cool that a few people did some mixes.

Steen, I think the overheads are a reasonable level, if I'm not mistaken. I know the snare actually clips at times it's so hot, but I have no idea what to do about that. It's as low as I can the signal. Same with the kik.