Thoughts on a mix


New member
The last mis I submitted had quite a few problems, thin guitars, plastic sounding drums, and timing issues. I recorded and mixed this last night called "Everything's O.K." I made heavy use of subtractive Eq in an effort to have a clear mix. Please let me know what you all think as well as what can be improved. Thanks!
Guitars seem quite dark to me. Snare gets buried when heavy guitars come in. That cymbal on the right is pretty harsh.

Dig the song. :)
Thanks. That cymbal is very harsh. I have not yet figured out how to eq the cymbals in Superior Drummer. The electrics are very dark. I'm trying to strike a balance between fizzy and dark because the guitars are DI. I'm not there yet, but trial and error, ya know?
Yeah, amp sims are always tough to get just right. I'm not familiar with SD, and do not know what DAW you are using, but there should be a way to get Superior Drummer to output multiple tracks, so that you can eq each individually.
I liked it, but it's got a way to go yet I think? I'm not keen on the sound of the snare - think it's too loud in the mix, there is a delay running which sounds out of time with the mix and is distracting, The harmony sounds out of tune.
@Jimmy SD allows that, but my DAW (studio one pro) doesn't. You can explode the midi, but then have to run a new instance of the vsti for each drum and I don't think my computer could handle that. Apparantly, the new Studio One 2 that just came out can do midi multi out.

@bruiser Thanks for your thoughts. Are you talking about the delay on the synth? I didn't notice that until you mentioned it. It isnt a delay plugin, it's the synth patch that I used. I may just scrap that and try a different synth patch because I'm not sure if it's programmable. I'll see what I can do about the snare. The last track I posted on here had people criticising the snare as too thin and quiet, I think maybe I went too far the other way on this one.
I've never used reaper, but I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion. I wish I didn't have to use midi but I can't play drums and I don't have the means to mic a kit for the drummers I do know. Being able to control the cymbals would be a huge improvement. As far as I can tell, the hi-hat and overheads are all you can adjust in SD.

Bruiser: the harmonies are out of tune because I'm a horrible singer ;) I do it cause I have no one else to do it for me.
One thing is for sure: You are not a horrible singer. You've got a great voice and I've always wondered how people manage that crispy throat thing. How do you do that?

Great song!
I like your voice (I've been singing for years but cant hold a hormony in a bucket) -just the second line you chose clashes with the first - maybe try doubling the "what I tried to say" rather than picking a different line? I can't get a fix on the snare.... the snare in the pattern which immediatly follows the cymbal hit ... sounds like there is a flam or something that is slightly off?
Hope that helps :)
@dainbramage I have a cold so that may be where the raspiness is from. Other than that, I do everything my choir teacher yelled at me for in high school. singing from the throat instead of the diaphram etc.

@bruiser, there is a flam in the loop, and, I think my bass playing is a little off.
Sorry man - I didn't hear too many problems in this recording at all... could be my cheap headphones? But if I can record this well, I'll be content.