How to write songs, when you have absolutely nothing to write about?

He did the same on the other thread I found he'd started: asked, complained & bolted.
No shortcuts in life, anything you do. Even if its the worst dreck you think anybody ever came up with, the best writers and composers no doubt made 100x as bad before they found their voice.
Write about not being able to write.

Haha. That's the first thing I thought. I did that once. I often (always?) have these writers blocks... which makes me think that I actually suck at writing, have no inspiration, no ability to put thoughts into words, etc. But the more I think like that, the more I sit down and write. As an exercise. I'll get better one day...

And as Xdrummer said, I usually try to follow the mood of whatever I'm writing or listening to... go from words to sentences, and then try to reach a whole idea. I try to synchronize the lyrics to what the sound makes me feel.
Anyway music is not about lyrics, music is about harmony, counterpoint, incredible sounds, etc. Lyrics are just an add-on which can sometimes enhance the music. No true musician would think too much about lyrics. Lyrics are words, and music is anything but words! If you're a musician, just experiment with playing some wierd chord combinations, strange harmonies, beautiful melodies enhanced by emotional backing chords. That's what music is all about, not words.
0 Friends
Toasta Whales has not made any friends yet

How sad for the former 17 year old now passed beyond friends and approaching 19 or 20 without soul or soul mates.

tomtomtom, tumtumtum, strumstrumstrum, timtimtim.
I take it from your amusing writing that you're al sorted for a wind up. that'd have to be it. Either that or you're living inside your own legend & only taking messages from passing sun gods of your own ilk.
Let's bring back more flybynights from 2009.
Anyway music is not about lyrics.
Lyrics are just an add-on which can sometimes enhance the music.
No true musician would think too much about lyrics. Lyrics are words, and music is anything but words!
That's what music is all about, not words.

0 Friends
Toasta Whales has not made any friends yet

How sad for the former 17 year old now passed beyond friends and approaching 19 or 20 without soul or soul mates.

tomtomtom, tumtumtum, strumstrumstrum, timtimtim.
I take it from your amusing writing that you're al sorted for a wind up. that'd have to be it. Either that or you're living inside your own legend & only taking messages from passing sun gods of your own ilk.
Honestly Timtimtim, could you not put some serious progessive jazzy hard punk rock with soul to those words ?
Pfaff !
Yeah I reckon that could be good, but the music would give a wierd tongue-in-cheek sarcastic edge to the words, implying that they were not to be taken at face value?
Yeah I reckon that could be good, but the music would give a wierd tongue-in-cheek sarcastic edge to the words, implying that they were not to be taken at face value?
Or it could emphasize Dylanesque/Rottenesque/Angie Stonesque/Lennonesque bile and bite, causing those that like lyrics to wince in time with the myriad beats........
Or it could emphasize Dylanesque/Rottenesque/Angie Stonesque/Lennonesque bile and bite, causing those that like lyrics to wince in time with the myriad beats........
And Vaughan Williamsy pastoral music with Lennonesque bile and bite combined with those words would be an experience unequaled in the history of homo-sapiens produced music.
First of all don't say: "I am a very talented song writer" as musicians we ALL have our arrogance, me for example: I have 0 self confidence and 0 self esteem, that and many other things at this young age have lost me my life, as much as I dislike myself, I still have the arrogance telling me that i am the best thing since sliced bread, even though I am too low to show anyone anything I have written.
I know people who have all the looks all the friends and all the girls, but can't reel out a lyric worth listening to, write about the things you don't have, the things you wished you have. If you can dig into your mind and find the box full of all the feelings you have hidden away, unlock it and use if to write songs, thats what I do. Don't try to write anything, the best songs come out by chance, not by active thought. play every chord you can think of, you will find 1 that inspires you, when you find that chord the rest will follow seamlessly.

The difference between a musician and a great musician is that a great musician doesn't need to try, it's already there.
Y'all realise that Toasta Whales asked this question over 2 years ago, don't you...

Pretty sure he's not reading the advice.
The truncated titles we now see have me seeing this thread as "How to write songs, when you have absolutely..." and I keep wanting to finish it with "No Talent.":p

But, hey, when did THAT ever stop anyone?:D
There's a continent of difference between a great musician and some who composes/writes music: they aren't mutually exclusive but aren't often mutual. What they have in common is that it may all be there but it takes effort to burrow through the levvy to let the talent flow.
One of my fav. super gifted musicians Jacquelin Du Pre seems not to have "written" at all. Interpret? Yes. Perform? yes. Improvise? I don't actually know to be honest. I do know that she's not know for her compositions but for her superb performances.
Note, I didn't even mention the dreaded L word!
This is a GREAT question. I wanted to write songs for about 7 years, and I didn't because I used this excuse. One day I looked back 7 years and realized all I had were a few scraps of inspiration that I never motivated myself to turn into a real song, I that I had accomplished absolutely nothing.
I was listening to some old classic rock songs that I really like (It was Rod Stewart and The Faces), and one thing I noticed was that the song just told a story, and the words didn't even rhyme. This is what inspired my to write my first few songs, which just tell stories of interesting things that I've done. Once you get the ball rolling, you won't have to worry about this issue any more. Don't waste 7 years of your life waiting for something to write about like I did, just act now and get started.
If you are really a talented person to compose the music then you need to message on more
social sites , so that", you can find the girl for the music writing.Other thing is

that",if you have not such equipments to record or compose the music then you can search
on the sites to buy and view the music equipments

Say what????