Why must my mono songs become converted to "stereo" on cd

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Mono across two channels is, as has been said numerous times and supported by copious notes and references, MONO.
Now, if there are differences between your speakers or indeed tyhe two amps that make up your stereo - be they the preamps or the power amps, that might be noticeable enough to bother you.
Why not erase one channel in a wave editor, bridge you amp pres and power to mono and play that to yourself.
I have to disagree with you in principle: No one should ever stop making and submitting music. He just needs to not be an idiot about his work. Really what he should be doing is spending as much time on one song as he has on ALL of his albums put together.

Also, there are people who like his stuff on this board (not me certainly). I've heard stuff on here that people respond positively that makes me want to go and bash someone in the head with a spork (the cover of the Fantasia song comes to mind) but I don't tell people that they should stop making the stuff they make.

Even if it is awful and mind rending by my standards.

I agree. Non one should ever stop making music. But "making music" should be the first requirement in that, shouldn't it? There are phrases that JD does that might work in a song, but then you get to the inevitable dissonance and overlapping phrases that have nothing to do with each other and the obvious non-effort into the performance it just becomes irritating noise. You're right. He just needs to put some actual effort into it. I hear some potential in spots and think "that might be cool if done right", but Jordan feels that it's already there and I pity him and anyone who thinks its great, because its like other genres that are currently out there. They are the "Emporer's new Clothes", and people believe the taylor is a genius when he is really just a clever con man. Kind of like Jack White.

This stuff is drug induced "nowhere sounds". Nonsensacle gibberish and chords. It's a white dot on a black canvas in a gallery. Garbage!
If I had the time, or the inclination... I bet I could sample of few phrases from this garbage and build something that held a certain appeal... but then again, given enough time at a typewriter, a monkey could do the same...

I stopped listening to the new "material" quite a while ago... but when I listened to the first "album" I couldn't help but notice three second moments of brilliance trampled by the entire composition as a whole... I've since determined that these moments were merely luck... statistical probabilities...
It's a white dot on a black canvas in a gallery. Garbage!

Those two sentences are not mutually inclusive. Some of the most powerful art I've ever seen has been along those lines. This is more like an art student that sees a white dot on a black canvas and copies it without the passion or talent of the original.
Let's not confuse considered and fretted over art with unconsidered, or ill considered, spontaneous expressions.
Yes, some art - like much photography, is finding the brillance after the initial response, but the again some art is planned, structured and executed with excrutiating intensity over an extended period of time.
Both require time to step back & consider the results before proceeding.
If you don't like Kandinsky, Mondrian or the Bauhaus School I can understand why but it doesn't make it less through lack of popularity.
If Jordan spent time editing the chaff from the treacle drops he might be able to build some art.
If Jordan spent time editing the chaff from the treacle drops he might be able to build some art.

I don't know if it's editing he needs, so much as not putting every thought he has out for the world to hear. Preediting is more the term that comes to mind.
Those two sentences are not mutually inclusive. Some of the most powerful art I've ever seen has been along those lines.

Yeah. Some of the finest clothing I ever saw was on an Emperor.

His tailor was amazing. Made it out of practically nothing.:rolleyes:
Amazing news! Tomorrow night i will be releasing a new album. i have not named it yet, but i made the whole thing in one hour, and its 30 minutes or so of music, but it wasn't rushed, i was just exploding this all out of me, inspired by making love to the most beautiful woman ever, someone i have admired for years, we made love, and right after, i just flashed the album out of me.

It will be released 5:30pm eastern time tomorrow.

03. Hard to Imagine Donemp3version.mp3 - 3.28MB

that is the first single to wet everyones appetite for the big day today. im a different man today, and things have changed now forever, and im somehow making the greatest music that i could have never even imagined!
Amazing news! Tomorrow night i will be releasing a new album. i have not named it yet, but i made the whole thing in one hour, and its 30 minutes or so of music, but it wasn't rushed, i was just exploding this all out of me, inspired by making love to the most beautiful woman ever, someone i have admired for years, we made love, and right after, i just flashed the album out of me.

It will be released 5:30pm eastern time tomorrow.

03. Hard to Imagine Donemp3version.mp3 - 3.28MB

that is the first single to wet everyones appetite for the big day today. im a different man today, and things have changed now forever, and im somehow making the greatest music that i could have never even imagined!

omfg....you are such a tard.
Amazing news! Tomorrow night i will be releasing a new album. i have not named it yet, but i made the whole thing in one hour, and its 30 minutes or so of music, but it wasn't rushed, i was just exploding this all out of me, inspired by making love to the most beautiful woman ever, someone i have admired for years, we made love, and right after, i just flashed the album out of me.

It will be released 5:30pm eastern time tomorrow.

03. Hard to Imagine Donemp3version.mp3 - 3.28MB

that is the first single to wet everyones appetite for the big day today. im a different man today, and things have changed now forever, and im somehow making the greatest music that i could have never even imagined!

Hey, Look at you JordanD, 100 posts. Don't spoil the moment by making another post.

Amazing news! Tomorrow night i will be releasing a new album. i have not named it yet, but i made the whole thing in one hour, and its 30 minutes or so of music, but it wasn't rushed, i was just exploding this all out of me, inspired by making love to the most beautiful woman ever, someone i have admired for years, we made love, and right after, i just flashed the album out of me.
If you're very careful not to let her listen to your album, you might get laid again. Otherwise, not so sure hey. :p

Seriously though, it's good that you're writing and recording and all that, I tip my hat to that, but you should at least cut out the really dodgy stuff out of there if you want people to believe you care at all about the music you are writing. That song doesn't sound rushed and I suppose you could say the production suits and that's fine, but it really does sound like you don't give a shit about what you're doing. And, therefore, no body else will (I really did try, but I can't either).
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