let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

  • this thread suxxxx

    Votes: 46 3.6%
  • not interested in peeking into other's bedrooms

    Votes: 19 1.5%
  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

    Votes: 62 4.9%
  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

    Votes: 185 14.5%
  • I am so jeleous! Can I move into your house??

    Votes: 964 75.5%

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Nice looking space - and unnervingly neat.
What's the go with those CD shelves?
They look great & seem minimalist too. I'm in the process of sorting out what to do with my 1271 CDs at present.
Nice looking space - and unnervingly neat.
What's the go with those CD shelves?
They look great & seem minimalist too. I'm in the process of sorting out what to do with my 1271 CDs at present.

i got them in the ikea website. they're like 6 bucks each i think and each one holds 46 CD's (yeah weird #). super cheap though as most other massive CD shelving is a few hundred bucks.
Here's my humble home studio. When my dad had his own band, they used this space as a practice room. He insulated all the walls and covered them with acoustic paneling. This room is INCREDIBLY dead.

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Is all the foam the same type? If so, you're probably deadening mostly the treble and high mids, and could get bassy, muddied recordings... you may wish to add serious bass trapping to even out the 'response' of the room if you're having clarity problems, both in recording and during mixing.
...and I just noticed that you're set up in a corner, too. That's not a good thing either, especially with the lack of bass trapping. How does the room sound to you? Any low end issues?

Obi-Wan zenabI said:
Is all the foam the same type? If so, you're probably deadening mostly the treble and high mids, and could get bassy, muddied recordings... you may wish to add serious bass trapping to even out the 'response' of the room if you're having clarity problems, both in recording and during mixing.

Yes, all the foam is the same type. I'd like to add bass traps, but as it is right now, I'm pretty cramped in there with all the equipment (studio desk, bass cab, drums, guitars, shelf of misc junk). I'm going to make a thread later today with a mockup layout of my room to see if anyone has any ideas.

Weasel9992 said:
...and I just noticed that you're set up in a corner, too. That's not a good thing either, especially with the lack of bass trapping. How does the room sound to you? Any low end issues?


Yeah, I realize that setting up in a corner isn't great, but it's the only place I can fit the desk. Is there anything I can do in that corner to improve the acoustics? I guess you could say that the room is pretty dead-sounding and muddy. If bass traps will improve the sound that much, then I may go for it and make a few.
Yes, all the foam is the same type. I'd like to add bass traps, but as it is right now, I'm pretty cramped in there with all the equipment (studio desk, bass cab, drums, guitars, shelf of misc junk). I'm going to make a thread later today with a mockup layout of my room to see if anyone has any ideas.

Yeah, I realize that setting up in a corner isn't great, but it's the only place I can fit the desk. Is there anything I can do in that corner to improve the acoustics? I guess you could say that the room is pretty dead-sounding and muddy. If bass traps will improve the sound that much, then I may go for it and make a few.

Steelphantom already pointed out the likely cause of the dead/muddy feel to the room. Right now you're just way, way too heavy on foam-type treatment, and the result is predictable. The cure is to take about 2/3 of it down and add some bass traps in the corners and on the back wall, then maybe treat your first reflection points with the foam. That'll add a bit of liveliness back into the room and soak up some of the mud.

If you *must* stay in the corner, you'll have to treat the bejeebus out of it from a low end stand point. Bass trap in the corner behind the desk and floor-to-ceiling and 4" panels behind both monitors to start with...may have to add a couple of traps at the wall/ceiling corners too.

dalley i love your console.. did you make it? Are those old school 20/20's? if so what amp are you using to drive them? I have a pair in storage but only have an old alesis rm-100 to power them so I've been holding off digging them out.
dalley i love your console.. did you make it? Are those old school 20/20's? if so what amp are you using to drive them? I have a pair in storage but only have an old alesis rm-100 to power them so I've been holding off digging them out.

console? you mean workstation? It is a Raxxess modular system 4 parts .... the 20/20's are the powered variety. I just placed an order for A7's so they (Events) may be out the door soon. Haven't decided to go with a 1 or 2 monitor set ,,,, you still have to learn them regardless :rolleyes: