observation on what analog means to most recording school students

Yeah, Britney. What a shame it is that 14 year old girls have the largest buying dollar in the music industry. I mean...wasn't Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Babies a hit LP at one time? What the hell happened?
hey, c'mon now :D , leave Britney alone, she CAN! dance ;)
Nothing wrong with millions of 14 year old girls listening to a 14 year old girl (yeah, well, maybe some boys do listen to Britney as well and maybe a few brain-damaged men ;) ). Let the party goin' :)
The problem is (imho) that they listen to her (or whoever/ whatever they listen to) on their freagg'ing i-pods in mp3 format. :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek:

pod-cast my A*S!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:
digital revolution my A*S!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:
heh heh heh

...btw, Britney is pretty old ...as we speak ;)
I was once told that "the music industry is a long, dark, narrow, bottomless, plastic money trench in which thieves and pimps run afoot. --- then there's the bad side."

The music industry sucks -- let's just get that off of our chest. It always has sucked to some degree, but in recent years, it's gotten to be even more and more like that above description.

Regardless, good music exists. One may never get rich and famous in the music industry. Good music speaks the soul -- and that's more than enough to stick with it.

What does this have to do w/ analog and recording students? eh, you decide. (Not trying to chase rabbits or anything.)
