Entertaining eBay description

arjoll said:
Why does no one in New Zealand seem to want to sell good used gear? All the good stuff is in North America or Europe :(

Aussie Ebay isn't much better!
One day Reel will decide that he only needs ONE of everything, and when he does he should post everything on Aussie ebay.
If you asked me, the guy that mispelled "heds" is doing it on purpose. Just about every word that can be mispelled and still be understood is mispelled in that auction. Also, the mispelling is consistant.

The guy is pulling everyone's leg with the poor spelling. Seemed pretty obvious to me.

cut it out already :D

hey, guys. Grow up! Will Ya'?

it's analog recording board. is it not?

ohhhhh! it's analogue! I see.

:D :p :D
