Behringer Wave - new keyboard synth

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rob aylestone

rob aylestone

I've just put in an advance order for one of these. Many years ago I borrowed the one this recreation was based on. I'm hoping it's as good as the memory. I have to say though that the advance publicity is pretty dreadful. People getting excited by some really poor sound as if they are special, and as you can download the manual, there are lots of famous sounds in the memories you can tweak and save, plus a software programmer. The sounds in the demos are cheesy in the extreme and not that useful, and some of the 'reviewers' seem to have missed tyhe huge pads the original could do and the wonderful 80s sounds. I'm surprised Behringer have made the release so unexciting. I've basically paid for a product there is no stock of, with no demos of good sounds done by people I can relate to? Hopefully, I will be pleased! Delivery says around 8 weeks? We will see!
Well, it was the 80's. I think also, everyone is probably tired of being "in the box". I know that was a big motivator for me for the UBx. I can't say I am "school girl gitty", but I al glad to turn knobs and experiment with some old fashion jamming.

But I have to agree with you, maybe in a new world, those sounds will grow on you :)
I pre-ordered the MS-5, and by the time stocks were available, they'd dropped the price by £50.
I'll never pre-order again.
I rarely do this, but nobody has them, and everyone bar thomann is the same price. Thomann don't have any either, but their price is £100 cheaper. I figured with a product nobody can buy immediately, I'd risk Thomann putting theirs up?
I don't send stuff back, just put it down to experience, and be wiser next time.
I bought a Sledge2 synth some time ago for a reasonable £730.
I noticed later that you could still get that price, but Gear4Music wanted £900+ for it.
You have to shop around.
I The sounds in the demos are cheesy in the extreme and not that useful, and some of the 'reviewers' seem to have missed tyhe huge pads the original could do and the wonderful 80s sounds. I'm surprised Behringer have made the release so unexciting.
I think they may have done that on purpose- once you get your hands on it you’ll find with tweaking the sounds harken back to the 80s quite easily.
I was just listening to a demo video of the Wave, and it sort of reminded me of the first time I heard Tomita's Snowflakes are Dancing. Very mid 70s sounding. Not being a keyboard player, I don't have a clue how well it would be received.
Tomita impressed me when I was in my twenties! I even did my version of his version of Debussey's version.
Looks like stock has arrived - mine is in the post from Germany!
It arrived. It's going back.
Never been so un-impressed.
The videos on youtube seemed to have some pretty poor memory contents, but I assumed I could take a preset, modify it and make it better. After 2 hours I gave up. So many similar sounds, but none popped out and made me go wow! I guess the real synth enthusiasts will like it but not me. Built well, nice keyboard action, solid buttons, bar one teeny rotary that is thin and probably will get broken. They seem to have copied the operating system of the old one and it's pretty dire by modern standards.
No doubt experts will coax mega sounds from it. I'm not an expert, and have asked for it to go back.
I have to say though that the advance publicity is pretty dreadful. People getting excited by some really poor sound as if they are special, and as you can download the manual, there are lots of famous sounds in the memories you can tweak and save, plus a software programmer. The sounds in the demos are cheesy in the extreme and not that useful, and some of the 'reviewers' seem to have missed the huge pads the original could do and the wonderful 80s sounds.
This goes for many other brands too in my (limited) experience.
They are releasing so many products, they can't put too much effort into each one.
This is where trying them in a shop would help. None of this on-line ordering nonsense.
The 200 sounds in the memories are just very weak, and worse have no names.I'm used to seeing names. just numbers is a strange choice?
They are releasing so many products, they can't put too much effort into each one.
This is where trying them in a shop would help. None of this on-line ordering nonsense.
I think Behringer is releasing a lot, but from what I have read, they have been in design for several years.
Im now waiting for a Korg Kross 2 to arrive, which is a synth I seem to have missed as its not a latest model. Again, not too many reviews but at least this makes the noises i would like and seems a bit like a bit more modern trinity or triton.
Im now waiting for a Korg Kross 2 to arrive, which is a synth I seem to have missed as its not a latest model. Again, not too many reviews but at least this makes the noises i would like and seems a bit like a bit more modern trinity or triton.
I looked at the predecessor to the Kross. It was a simple 'box of voices' synth, and fairly cheap.
I'd have bought one, but by the time I had spare cash, it was discontinued.
Roland had a similar keyboard.
I've got an old Triton, and quite like the way it works. This has many voices the same, but not quite so 'old' sounding. The thing I did not like was the way all the sounds were mixed up, so on thew new one you select say, piano, then a different knob takes you to the different versions. The old one had the good piano, next to a one-armed, toothless tongue flute and in a hurry, live, I often messed up.