Two drum pads not working on my Zoom R8


New member
I’m fairly new to the R8 but have been able to get some work done on it OK. Earlier this year though, I suddenly could not get the kick and snare drum pads to give me anything other than a barely audible signal. All other pads work fine. I back-burnered the project then, unfortunately, and it’s probably out of warranty now. But I was exploring it further tonight and found that those drum pads seem to work fine when I switch to Bank 2 — the particular selected kit doesn’t seem to matter — but then the Closed Hat pad is barely audible, just like the other two pads were in Bank 1. I’ve also played with the Level adjustments and that seems to have no effect in increasing the volume on the suspect pads.
Any ideas on this are welcome. I love the unit and it’s perfect for me otherwise, but without the snare and kick-drum pads working, it’s pretty severely compromised, obviously. Thanks in advance for any help! - Sean
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My guess is that somehow you have managed to change output levels on a couple of pads.

If you can't figure out what you (or someone) did, maybe there is a factory reset that you can use to get back to the original settings.
My guess is that somehow you have managed to change output levels on a couple of pads. If you can't figure out what you (or someone) did, maybe there is a factory reset that you can use to get back to the original settings.

An excellent idea, but I see no way to do any kind of re-set mentioned in the manual. Thanks though!
Well this was an easy fix. Not that I would have know why the problem arose to begin with, but a simple update of the Zoom R8 firmware, from 1.00 to 1.02, has apparently solved the problem. Sweetwater tech suggested we start there and I’m happy to report the results. Hopefully this might help someone else out with a similar problem. Updated firmware is probably always a good idea!