How do I view an overview of all inserts?


New member
I'm a PT user who has got sick of not having ADC :) and consequently have been demoted to noob in my new program CB5. After rtfm I can't for the life of me work out how to view an overview of all my inserts. Today I was mixing and had an insert, somewhere on a 60 track mix and it took me a little while to find it. Is there a way to incorporate the inserts into my mixer window? Or even another window that allows me to see an overview of all inserts on every track so i can easily disable them without searching through my tracks?

To be more specific, i'd really like to set up a channel strip like in this shot of PT

with my faders, sends and inserts for all tracks in one window

thanks for any assistance you can offer
In SX3 you could bring up the mixer and there were a bunch of symbols up the left hand side which allowed you to see all your inserts, sends, EQ etc. I no longer use Cubase, so I don't know if it still has this function, but I'm sure you can still see all sends across all tracks in C5.

Hope this helps,