Drum Machine Midi Question - Alesis DM-Pro


New member
My issue is that I cannot get my drum machine to transmit MIDI to Cubase. Routing is as follows: Korg Triton MIDI out to Alesis DM-Pro Midi in. DM-Pro connected via it's Midi out to MIDI in of the MIDI interface (Emagic), this in turn is routed to computer via USB. Also, main L/R audio outputs of DM-Pro connected to MOTU 828.

If I hit a key on the Triton the drums are triggered and I can hear this & record ok via Cubase (audio track).

The DM-Pro however does not seem to be transmitting MIDI though at the same time since the MIDI 'in' light on the MIDI interface does not light and the MIDI track I've set up in cubase does not record any Midi events.
Surely you must be able to record Midi data from the DM-Pro whilst listening to the corresponding audio output. The DM-Pro manual discusses the transmission on MIDI when the DM-Pro is triggered via pads but I'm not using pads just the Triton as a controller keyboard.

I've done all the obvious things (checked leads, using channel 10 for Triton, DM-Pro, Cubase). No problem doing things the other way ie. triggering the DM-Pro from a previously set-up Midi track in Cubase.

I'd really appreciate some help here!


Have you tried removing everything from the chain and just connected the DM-Pro directly into the computer and see what happens then?

I feel your pain. If it's not one thing it's another. Probably just something small that's being overlooked.
I just took a quick look at the manual for the DM Pro (which I got off of the Alesis website, I do not own one), and it looks as though there is an optional piece of hardware for MIDI thru, but the MIDI out port does not send MIDI Thru information. If you do not have the MIDI thru port, you can not pass thru information. It, at any rate, sounds as though the DM Pro is only outputting, not passing thru. This is inherent to the MIDI protocol, which has a separate MIDI Thru port, which is left off (for cost reasons) on a lot of gear.

I was taught, in my MIDI classes at Berklee, that it is better to turn local control off on your controller keyboard, and patch things from the sequencer. Use separate MIDI ports for each piece of gear, turn off Local control, and send the MIDI to the computer first, then redirect it where you need it from there.


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M.K. Gandhi