Can you hear an inserted effect as you are recording an audio track?


New member
I"m a new user to SX1 and am unable to get a monitor signal (ie audible sound) when playing my guitar into my audio track using Trash DirectX "Insert Effect". I can get the clean input sound to monitor fine but not with the Trash or any other inserted effect blended in. Is there any way to enable monitoring-with-effect, or will I only get to hear the effect added after the track is laid?

Hope there is an easy solution!

Ok I have it now. I deactivated Direct Monitoring in VST Multitrack in Device Setup. It really works! Latency is not too bad at this stage...
great! I was hoping someone would reply with an answer.
Thanks for that Nigie, when you put that post up i curious about it myself.
Thanks for response Scott. I have a few more thread questions coming up - believe me I am new to this program!!! So you may be interested in staying posted!!

