GOOD Br-8 Drum track???


New member
My band is recording another cd using the br-8 soon.
Now, we have much more experience using the thing, and sound in general. Also, we are a better band.

My question is...
How on earth do we get a good drum track going? there a way to better equalize the sound on the individual mics being used? Since all the mics are going into one track, you can't mix the mics sperately...or can you?

Can someone tell me their methods of achieving a good drum track using the br-8, a 24 channel mixer board, an sp 5g p.a. system, 2 sm58s, 2 odd peavey mics, and an akg d112?

Please someone......anyone!
re... your email message...

The actual recorder used is not a factor in the process -- in my example I was using an 8-track ADAT... in your case you're using an 8-track BR-8....

You can follow much of my strategy, you're simply doing the actual recording onto a different box!
