Boss DR-770 tempo problems


New member
Ok, here's the deal. I am running a DR-770 for my drums and I have never had a problem until now. That is because I have never wanted to change the tempo mid song before. Here is the thing. I want to cruise along with the tempo at 128, then have the next two patterns to drop down to 115, then come back into it at 128, but no matter what I do it wants to do everything at what ever tempo it starts on. Please tell me that whoever designed the DR-770 was wise enough to give it this ability and I am the dumb of for not figuring it out and not the other way around. Cheers.
Hmmmmm...what measure are you trying to adjust. See my post on the tempo problem with the BR1600....any measure above 100 ignored tempo changes. Roland has a patch to fix that.
Hmm, not sure exactly what measure the tempo change is at, but it is definitely under 100. Time to go straight to Boss I guess.
well it seems that Boss didn't think anyone would want to changetempo mid song. How useless is that!
Tempo change

I struggled with this too, then discovered how to do it. When you are in song mode, you simply write those measures that you want to be at different tempos as different songs and then chain them together. All of this is done internally in the DR-770.

Let's say I have a song in 4/4 that I want to be at 130 bpm from measures 1-20, then I want it to go down to 115 from 21-30, and then to 140 from 31-40, and then return to 130 from 40 to the end. Thus, I want to have 4 different tempo changes in this song, or rather 4 areas in the song that have different tempos (tempi?). I can't actively change the tempo while the song is playing because the device simply doesn't work that way, but I CAN write each section of different tempo as a new song. So, for measures 1-20, I'll select SONG, STEP TIME, set the TEMPO for 130, and select CHAIN = ON. This last step will ensure that after the last measure of Song 01 finishes, it will continue on directly to Song 02. So... write measures 1-20 into Song 01. Start all over again and do the same for measures 21-30, this time setting the TEMPO for 115. This will be Song 02. Repeat. Works like a charm!

Hope this helps.

Bruce in Korea
Ya know....I flaked on this one. Forgot to check. I will try to pmhooma (guess what that is) and look into it this weekend.

I didn't have time to try this myself, but I did look through the book and see NO reference to changing the tempo mid song. I think that is stupid if it really can't be done. Seems like something that most people would likely want to do at least some of the time.
I just remembered how I did this on my DR670. The pattern and song are recorded at whatever tempo you desire. I record onto a BR1600, and used that to control the tempo thru MIDI on the DR670. The DR takes its' tempo signals from the BR, and it works great. So...assuming you have MIDI capability, I would assume you can do the same thing. If you are just playing the drum machine by itself....i think you might be outta luck.
