Optimising Logic for each individual project


New member
Here's a tip that I found that is VERY useful if you need extra juice on a project that isn't using a lot of audio tracks.

In the audio preferences under drivers..where you control the soundcard used, buffer length, etc. There is a slider that says audio tracks. The amount you set will allocate ram to that amount of tracks on the starting of the program, regardless of if you use them or not. It is a little inconvenient, as you have to restart the program for the change to take effect, but setting that just above the ammount of audio tracks used, or that you believe you might use, can really speed things up, and give you much more room for more plugins or synths. If you find yourself needing some more audio tracks, just go in to that window and give yourself some more, and go through the annoying restarting of the program and you will have more.
Sweet tip TerraMortim - Thanks!

Now I just have to get my studio completed so I can get my gear out of storage and set it all up again before I can try it out!
(Its been 14 months without access to my gear!!! GOING NUTS! :eek:)
