Reaper + Envelope Pan


New member
Hi guys,
I have a problem. I want to change panning trough audio so i use envelope pan. I change from 100% left channel to 100% right channel but it doesn't work!
What might be the problem?
My version is 2.53
Hi guys,
I have a problem. I want to change panning trough audio so i use envelope pan. I change from 100% left channel to 100% right channel but it doesn't work!
What might be the problem?
My version is 2.53

Make sure you have the pan "knob" on that channel set to center in Reaper. Then, pan with the envelope. It works fine on mine and I'm on about the same version.
Make sure you're in WRITE mode, with the track ARMED in the envelope, when you make the changes. Then, make sure you're in READ mode with the track still ARMED in the envelope, when you play it back. You can use the pan knob. You don't have to do your panning with the envelope line.
When you click the envelope button and select Pan, there are two options next to it Visible and Arm (Write). When you click on both of them it is already in Read mode. To bypass the envelope click the bypass button next to the Hide button. Be sure to uncheck the Arm button when your done.