Reaper and DDP 2.0 fileset


Son of Yoda
This is not a problem, because I fixed it, I'm just sharing the knowledge in case you find yourself in a similar spot.

So I've just created a master DDP 2.0 fileset from Reaper. There's a widely available video taking you through the steps. One of the steps, once you've created the IMAGE.DAT file is to create a .wav copy of it using this little DOS utility which is part of the DDPTOOLS toolset, called DDPINFO. You then take this file, and stick it in Reaper, reverse the polarity and run it against the master file and they should null out - thus demonstrating that your IMAGE.DAT file is a true record of your master. Or something like that...

I was having all sorts of problems creating this file using DDPINFO - this may have meant that the IMAGE.DAT file was problematic... or not... I don't know. I spent hours and hours playing with the meta data, reassembling the file song at a time and chasing various other dead ends to try to get this little utility to not fall over right at the start.

In the end, I'm reasonably comfortable that what was causing it was having the Time Selection ending only a single frame past the @ marker which was only a single frame past the end of the last song. Once I moved the end of the time selection a few more frames past, the problem went away and the .wav file was created and thus I assume the IMAGE.DAT file was correct as well.

Who knew! File this in case you need it in future... :D