Reaper acting weird!


I recorded a scratch guitar track (to an EZ Drummer repeated beat for timing) and then did 3 electric guitar tracks last Sunday. Saved it, didn't open Reaper again until this evening when I was going to record an acoustic guitar track and then start vocals.
Got everything set up, tuned guitar to clip-on tuner, same guitar/tuner as used on the scratch track.
Start playback to check levels in headphones and something ain't right! Guitar is not even close to being in tune to the recorded tracks. Then as I listen I realize it is playing too slow. I ended up bumping the speed up to 1.0815 to get it more-or-less back to correct pitch.
Recorded acoustic guitar track (2 mic). Reset up for vocals, hit play and the new acoustic track is out of synch with everything else - WTF? :confused:
Rather than mess with nudging it around, I just muted it and started a vocal track to the scratch track.
Record first vocal take, save it, mute it, then do a second vocal track-take.
Go to do a 3rd and didn't mute the 2nd one and find it is not in synch - WTF again!
Next take I do, when I stop the recording, I notice that the waveform for the track I just did does not line up with the previous ones - in fact the last 4 phrases seem to be missing, but when I save the track, it all moves/shifts/appears.

Stupid me didn't think of just shutting Reaper down and restarting it. I just tried that and the whole thing was going at 8% too fast a speed and too high a pitch! I set the speed back down to 1.0 and had to nudge the acoustic track to the left a bunch. Vocals are probably all skewed too now.
Did you do the upgrade the Reaper just released? You may have found some sort of bug. If so, you might want to try installing the older version for a check. Just a thought, but it could explain the strange behavior.
Weird is right, I thought it was just me, being old & stupid & all, but I did some twiddly's the other night (gtrs) & the following day they were all in the wrong place!,, after scratching my shiny head :confused: I moved them to correct placement :thumbs up: yesterday I opened the project & they were all back in the wrong place??,, yet when I run a backup file from earlier they are in the correct place (the gtr from outer limits plays here! :confused: :confused: ??) SO I thought it was something I'd done or was doing but it sounds like you got the bug as well Mike! @DAVID, I know some people have had problems with the last update but I haven't seen anything like this yet, I shall have a look on the reaper forum?.
I haven't done the updates in a while.
That sounds too weird. Just to figure out what happen, you might want to make sure you didn't accidentally short cut an automation, change something and was unaware. If there is no other explanation, I wonder if it could be hardware issues. That is a real head scratcher.
Mine is back to normal now, :rolleyes: it mustaf been something I did!,nothing new there!
I'm on 4.54 now some big updates lately! :D

Is yours back to normal now Mike?
Yeah, I re-recorded all the vocal tracks today, rather than trying to time-align all the ones I did Saturday night.
Did it to me again on Monday night - playing stuff at slow speed. I turned it off and reloaded, and then I got the loud *noise* I have had a few times before. Turned it off and reloaded and it was fine. Guess I should install the latest update.
Did it to me again on Monday night - playing stuff at slow speed. I turned it off and reloaded, and then I got the loud *noise* I have had a few times before. Turned it off and reloaded and it was fine. Guess I should install the latest update.
How old is your version? I've not seen any issues like that, even if you do upgrade, just for curiosity, I would search the Reaper forum see if this has occurred to others. That is a strange behavior.
That is weird behaviour, the only thing I read similar to this is somebody had accidentally knocked their playrate control before closing down & saved the project so next time they opened it, it was playing slow (that control is something most people seldom look at so easy to not notice it's changed!)I took the advice & right clicked & hid it! (for safety!)
1.08 is the difference between 44.1K and 48K sample rates. Did your sample rate get locked to something on only one of the days? If you play the files outside of Reaper, are they in the same key? I've found Reaper to be really smart about sample rates unless I'm using something with an external clock while having Reaper set specifically to ask for a particular (and different) sample rate.