I think the problem is my computer using cool edit, need advice


New member
Hi there!

Thanks for the response guys. I think the problem is my computer. My Ram is only 32 and i learned that 62 Ram is needed. Do u think my 200 MHz pentium processor is capable, if not can you tell what processor will i use. another thing will my 16-bit opti sound card can cope up with the recording requirements. Thanks. Hope u can help me with this.
I started out with a 200 MHZ pentium mmx, it worked alright for doing audio. Just slow to add effects and the like, if you like snacks, you hsould be fine. I would recomend something faster, but that is if you are short on patience. If you can wait, the machine will let you. I would do huge projects, like 24 tracks, but around 8 or so is probably ok.

Choy, my system has 32 MB RAM and the speed is 233 MHz, so that's not the problem. However, I'm recording only two tracks at a time right now. Also, a 16-bit soundcard is okay.

If the problem is your computer, it's something different from what you've talked about in this thread. Are you still having the skipping and hanging problem?
Hi Dobro! thanks for the response. Sad to say i tried it yesterday and it still skipped when i used 2 tracks.
Okay, I don't have any more ideas about your problem, but I think if you post your problem in the Recording Forum here, somebody who knows more about this can help you. I'd like to see what the answer is, too.