Cool Edit Pro Forum


Linux Man...
I am very excited that there is now a CEP forum! I use CEP all the time. I do have a question I guess, does anyone know if you can edit a wav, like put an effect on, then undo it, then redo it without having to process the whole thing all over again.

I had a track that I was trying to decide what reverb to use, and I would try one, then undo do it to hear it dry, then decide I liked it and have to redo it. So I would have to sit for 5 or more mintues. If anyway knows I would love to find out.

Hi, Mastahnke - I was interested in your question, but it took me some time to get the answer.

First, the good news. Yeah, you can redo an undo by clicking "Repeat Last Command" in the "Edit" pulldown.

Now, the bad news. This only works with one undo, not multiple takes on the same track. If you want to be able to record multiple takes, and later undo or redo, then you have to record each take to a different track. Then you can mute the ones you don't want to hear, and work with one at a time. This is also true of being able to listen to different takes - you can't listen to all the different takes of a track using undo.

This is a weakness of the program, don't you think?

[This message has been edited by dobro (edited 01-20-2000).]
Doesn't CEP have a real time preview? Last time I used it, it did. My memory may be fuzzy though.

CEP's real time preview doesnt let you hear the entire mix, just the track you are working on... Sometimes a reverb might sound cool on its own, but when you put it in the mix it isn't enough...
This is a SERIOUS flaw in CEP... I think that I am going to jump on the bus to Vegas... If you know what I mean...
Hey, ametth. CEP's got realtime preview of some transforms (effects), but not all. While you're waiting for it to process reverbs, for example, you can fix a cup of tea, cook up some toast, get in touch with anybody who you're living with who you've been ignoring for the last hour or two, or all three. If you enjoy this sort of adaptation, it's livable with, but if you're a paid in full member of the right now! generation, it has you edging nearer the bus with 'Vegas Pro' or 'Cakewalk Version 9' displayed at the top over the windshield. In other words, CEP makes you wait sometimes.

But the original post had to do with undos, and again, it only lets you deal with (listen to, redo) virtually one take at a time. I think what we're coming to grips with here right now are some of the limitations of CEP. If you know a program's limitations, you can stop struggling with it.
Wow, thanks everyone for the replies. I was afraid that CEP had those limitations. However, I use it all the time, and I love it. I use to use cakewalk, but since I am not very interested in MIDI, it seemed to be a waste. I bought up CEP and now I haven't looked back. I am in the process of upgrading my computer, so hopefully when I am processing effects I will only have time to use the restroom and not make a 5 course meal.

Has anyone worked with the SMPTE functions of CEP? I don't know much about them, but the help files seem to be confusing. If anyone knows even a tidbit, I would love to hear from you.
