Sonar crashes when I do this...


New member
If I edit nodes in fader automation by dragging them with the mouse, add nodes, etc. and do this too many times between saves, Sonar crashes. Windoze stays up, but I lose my changes. I suspect it's ram. I think I have 256k.
Are you patched up to the latest revision? I can't say that I have seen this behaviour.

When Sonar crashes, have you made a note of what module or .DLL file caused SONARPDR.EXE (or whatever) to crap out?

If you specify that information, we would have a better idea of what is actually causing the crash.

Also - does the "Select Clips with Envelopes" option make any difference?

Have you saved everything properly and cleaned out the Picture Cache folder?

And what's your O.S.?


If it crashes when you do this

then don't do this :)

oops, al,most forgot to add, that you should check in your system events for an event outlining the cause of the crash.

Right click on MyComputer, select Manage, then Event Viewer. Under the Application tree you ought to have some event for the Somar crash. Get that info and post it here.
