Selecting tracks when one in midi sync mode - SONAR 7


New member

when I hit play and melody goes, I want to select different tracks and change different patches. I can do this when no hardware synth and its MIDI port is in Sync Mode.

My problem is when I select for example drum machine Korg ER-1 to play pattern in MIDI sync mode (Project Options/Sync/MIDI Sync Output Port selected) with Sonar's Internal clock. When melody plays and Korg's track is selected, everything goes properly, but when I want change to other track, select for example Virus TI2 (in Sonar's sync mode, too) I am getting strange symptom - Korg's drum notes triggers Virus's patch sounds... so I am getting some kind of unwanted "note mix" with different tracks. Can someone help me with this? What should I do to be able to select other tracks with no "echo" ?
