How to invert a stereo track in Cake 9?


New member
I'm using Cakewalk PA 9, this weekend I recorded a set of drum on a single stereo track, but I made a mistake, I panned the drum the wrong way (I want to have the stereo imaging from the drummer's perspective, ride cymbal at the right, hi-hat at the the left, etc, I recorded the opposite). How can I invert the stereo imaging since it's on ONE stereo track?
Ugh, I'm not familiar with PA9, but you should be able to select the track, go to Tools | Mixdown Audio. It should give you an option to mix down to a stereo track, or to two mono tracks. Choose the second. Now with the two mono tracks, reverse their respective pans, then select them, and mix them back down to a stereo track.

Hope this works for you

William Underwood