Drum Map/Soundfont question


New member

I have a soundfont that is a drumkit wherein each note (key) is a different instrument. I want to create a drum map and rename each mapping from the default name (note value) to the instrument name (closed hi hat, bright snare, etc).

The problem is this: From what I can find, I can only rename mappings and SAVE those renames from within drum map manager. This is a problem because the manager does not let you preview sounds.

When I am in the actual drum map view, I can modify the properties for each mapping, including the name - but I can't find where to save it! Last night I renamed every item in my soundfont drumkit while in drum map view - then I opened drum map manager, and it did not reflect the name changes; it still contained the note value as the name of each item. I looked all over for a save option before closing drum map view and returning to track view. I then opened drum map view back up and all the renames I had entered were gone, back to the original note values. Grrr!

Am I making sense? I want to be able to rename from within drum map view because I can preview the sounds. So with my soundfont that is a drum kit, I click on the item, say "OK, that's a high tom." And I name the note HighTom. This would be much more time consuming if it has to be done solely through drum map manager which does not allow previewing the sound.

What are my options?

Thank you for your assistance.
Hey Andy welcome to the board,

Do you mean the midi/piano role view where you see the midi notes of your drum patterns?

If so I don't beleive you can change lable individual nodes, but all the nodes along the same longitude are the same "instrument".

My frustration with midi drums in Cakewalk is that you cannot chanage all the properties of all the nodes at once, so if you want to increase velocity of the snare you have to do it one beat at a time (unless I'm missing something).

Anyway good luck, sounds like you've put a lot of time into this!
In Sonar 2 there is a drum map view where instead of seeing the piano keys along the left you just see whatever you have named each individual map (it makes no sense to use a piano keyboard for a drum kit, since each sound is different from the others, not just the same sound at a different pitch). By default the items are named whatever note value they represent (C0 for instance).

You can use the "drum map manager" to rename each item and then save your changes, but from within the drum map manager you cannot preview the sounds. In the actual drum map view you can preview the sounds and then edit the properties of each individual map (including the name), but I can't find a way to save.

Thanks for the welcome and the luck-wishing, I'ma keep trying.