cant hear midi

sir ludwig

New member
Hello, I have a problem when I use midi.
It seems to record, but when I play it back, It comes thru my keyboard speakers,and not my pc's.
When I record audio(thru my mic, it's okay)
please help me. heart goes out to my freinds in the USA.

Sir Ludwig, when playing back midi, you are actually listening to your keyboard itself, hence the keyboard speakers. When recording midi, you are just recording simple information, and on playback, it sends it to the keyboard.

What you will need to do is convert your midi trax into audio trax, then it will al come out your pc speakers.
Sir Ludwig,
Check Options>Midi Devices under Outputs and see which output ports you have selected.
I think you need to have your soundcard selected here so Sonar knows to send the output to the soundcard.

Hope this helps,