cakewalk playback


Well-known member
Salutations, cakewalkers. I want to compare Cakewalk to Cool Edit in one particular.

When you record tracks in Cakewalk without clipping, do those tracks ever clip in playback? I'm talking about real clipping - distortion, not just going into the red.

In other words, does the playback volume increase with each track added?
Yes, your output volume does increase as you add more tracks to an output. It is the same thing as one person clapping compared to 100 people clapping - the volume does increase. This one of the main reasons I like to use multiple outputs from my PC and mix externally. I still might combine a few audio tracks through the same output if they are simular to each other, say like several background vocals and use them as a sub- group. Managing multiple audio tracks per output can get very frustrating when it starts to clip a lot.

[This message has been edited by Fishmed (edited 03-07-2000).]
Yes, it clips in playback of all the tracks in Cool Edit too, even though there's no clipping when recording, and no clipping in playback of the individual tracks! To deal with it, I turn down the master volume after recording, and playback doesn't clip.

Question: does this work in Cakewalk too?

Question the second: this doesn't degrade the signal that finally gets mixed and burnt to CD, does it?