This is far beyond sick.

'Gay' seems to be very fluid nowadays and always needs an attached context. I've even heard the old 40s/50s/60s usage as in 'happy' and 'cheerful' being used. Even odder, it's now fine to be described as gay, or go to gay clubs, even if you are not gay? On the doctor front, I wonder if any doctor who has delivered a baby was ever in any doubt that the patient was female? No matter what personal pronoun that person identifies as? I went into a small township pharmacy in the non-tourist area in Tobago and asked for sun cream. About half a dozen locals slowly turned and said, "now what would us non-pinkies be doing with sun cream?" No offence meant, and none taken. The guy behind the counter then said, "how are you with sell by dates?"
it's really simple.

The OCD crowd have infected the populace.

We all have a bit of it or we'd all be dead.

But in this modern world, with communications at our fingertip, we can involve our whims with no repercussions.

Imagine how shunned you'd be if you said all of this in a public place.

I wonder if any doctor who has delivered a baby was ever in any doubt that the patient was female? No matter what personal pronoun that person identifies as?
Delivering in the field, it is not even a question.

This is all about words, and feelings. Life is too hardcore for that. Because they decide it what they want to be, doesn't make it reality. Its not a job or career. It is genetic design.

A woman taking male hormones before contraception would put baby in the highest risk groups for complications during prenatal care. You would probably get dropped by the insurance carrier.

This is a mental health nightmare. What happens when they see the system was 'just being nice' about it. They seemed to look that gift horse in the mouth. You know what Im talkin about?
I tru!y hate resurrecting this thread, but resurrecting is necessary.

A few days ago, I had !earned that the company, Eversource, which is in total control of electricity supplied throughout New England provided funding for the production of a film, unknowing to share holders and customers.
