Say No To Smoke Detectors

Well forget it then. I can't be in a band with you guys if we can't be called Reflective Detective.

Oh yeah? Well, you, you just wait. I'm gonna write a song that'll make Lennon's "How do you sleep?" sound like a love song. I'm gonna call it, i'm gonna call it, uummm, "How do you breath?" !! Yeah, that'll show you.
RIP and all, and I love the guy, but Lennon was an asshole. I mean, "How do you sleep?", what a dick move. Have you ever heard McCartney's response? It's actually quite touching, heartbreaking even. McCartney was a better man, in many ways. There, I said it.

Could be. I should have said Lennon "could be" an asshole. I suppose we all have our moments of giving in to our lesser demons. But, dear friend, I think we can all agree that animosity and holding firm to past grudges is no good, no good at all. I mean, how the hell would there ever be any hope of us getting the band back together?
If we all kill each other, sure we will all be happy, but there is one more thing...We need to kill the Earth. If we only kill each other and Damn the human race, in 10,000 years life will evolve back to this same shit fuck state of being.

We Have To Kill The Fucking Planet. Frack it, Fuck it, whatever..
I don't know, you might be speaking a little over my head, there. Or maybe it's my stomach, it's a little after 1pm and I haven't even had breakfast yet!
Might be a good idea. That way there is no which one is pink? confusion, and the "Reflective Detective" doesn't have to take personal credit for any and/or all of the suckage. Just kidding! I'm sure it will be a smashing success, that is will be as soon as EZ and I can hash out who is going to be the John and who is going to be the Paul. Sheesh, this band stuff is hard. No wonder I quit. But i'm in!....with the agreement, whether I get to be the John or the Paul, I get to quit first. A handshake between friends and we're off to the races.
Here's a collab Beaky and I done did. Remember that Beaky? My friend Beaky is a helluva yodeler, and I ain't fat. Big boned, so suck it! Right Beaky?

My friend Fats, he's a jovial sort.
When he's holding court,
The anecdotes go round
And the lager goes down.

