Election fraud? Forget about it!

I wanna refund.
I wish somebody cared about baby formula for my grandkids, a humane solution to the southern border, and affordable food, housing and transportation.
I might even vote for someone like that.
We want baby formula for our grandkids, and this is what we get instead:
And who's fault is that pray tell?
Get a grip. Jason Miller, Bill Barr, Ivanka Trump all know the truth but you refuse to listen.
Admitting you're wrong isn't as hard as you're making it.
Trump's lies indirectly caused the riots.

The same thing happened when Maduro "won" with his election machines in 2013.
Was that all lies too?

As I recall the other guy had a comfortable lead, and then during the evening, a black out stopped the counting.
The next day, the results were reversed, just like the battleground states in america. :whistle:
4 people were killed in the insurrections.
Venezuela is no longer considered a real democracy. hmmmm.

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Oh its one of those
Oh shit, it's one of those.
the simliarities are pretty remarkable.
Maduro is essentially unchallenged now, the same as Hugo Chavez before him.
CNN was reporting on the foreign voting machines back in 2006 -- as a security risk to the democratic process here in america.

They were misled to the point of insurrection. They were an organized lynch mob, mind controlled by Trump himself from Camp David.
They were misled to the point of insurrection. They were an organized lynch mob, mindcontrolled by Trump himself from Camp David.

Trump offered 10,000 plus national guard to surround the capitol bldg, and Pelosi said no.
Was she also under his spell?
That crafty orange wizard and his magic!
Or was it maybe more like a ricochet ping from a Cohn cell phone in Prague....
Schiff has the receipts.
perhaps there are some WMDs in Iraq.
Should we go in again?
How many intelligence officers were good on that one?
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