RIP Daevid Allen


Swollen Member
Not a surprise, he's been sick for a little while, but the legendary musician, poet, artist, writer, anarchist, dreamer, and Soft Machine/Gong founder has left the planet at 77. Active from the early 60s and touring right up to his death with dozens and dozens of albums, it was an incredible ride. Godspeed and thanks for the magic, beautiful man. I could never possibly repay.
I dont know much about gong except this one night....

...we'd taken LSD the night before at a club then decided to do it again out in the countryside at a mate house the following night. Unfortunately they were tabs of White Lightening, notorious for containing small amounts Strychnine. As the trip came on everyone wanted to go out but my stomach was killing me and I couldnt stay awake so I fell asleep in my friends room with the TV on...I kept wking up and forgot that I was tripping, except Gong were playing live on this small B&W portable. It was fucking nuts

Must have woken four or five times completely out of my nut...when my friends came back they were saying I missed a really great night...but inside I knew my night was way fucking weirder

Next week I'll tell you the story of LSD and the river of frogs