I Am Chris Harris


Número sesenta nueve
I'm bored with myself, so I'm changing. I've decided to become Chris Harris. He's a better singer/songwriter than me and he's younger. I can't guarantee that I'll match his wit but I'll try.


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I can't guarantee that I'll match his wit but I'll try.

Hmmmmmmmmm...Chris Harris wit? Looks something like this right?

You have a much more talented daughter?

I have a more talented sister, that's about halfway. I think I'll take the surname rather than the first name though ......... Nik Harris has a decent ring to it. Maybe I'll go into law.
I'm bored with myself, so I'm changing. I've decided to become Chris Harris. He's a better singer/songwriter than me and he's younger. I can't guarantee that I'll match his wit but I'll try.
Where's your six shooter and stick pony? ;)

An entire body photo is required proof that you're a REAL cowboy.

BTW, REAL cowboy hats don't have air holes. It rains a lot out on the range. :D