Solo- HR recording in same room as monitors?


Well-known member
So its common I guess, but I have to record in the same room most the time.

So this presents the problem of not fully using only the monitors as the sound source, due to the fact the instruments are in the same room.
In other words not the luxury of the traditional Studio behind the glass where the Engineer can hear only the speakers and therefore make better tone decisions while tracking.

Just wandering what other gearheads have come across to get around this issue and avoid wearing headphones ?
The only real way I have found to avoid headphones and avoid the mix of instrument and monitors is to record a short clip (~10 sec.) and listen to it on just the monitors. Tedious, yes. More effective than headphones? Depends on the room, monitors and headphones, really, but it works in many situations.
" switched off your targeting computer, what's wrong!!?".......

Where as 'targeting computer' = monitors.

"Nothing, I'm alright"......

i wonder where the singer-songwriter setup is fhkd up really.

other than the tedious of replay, making notes I guess on what works.

I hear all midi stuff, or di and it starts sounding better than micing when you have a crap room. the pristine sampling of doing everything with out mics is tempting.
Mainly talking Tracking.

So using headphones is so anti-Monitors, its like mixing with headphones too for this type I wonder is going all DI better?
or does one make a iso amplifier box, for you can mic it, and at the same time have the monitors going to really get an idea of the tones going in?

Still vocals would be left to deal with.

Just curious if most solo/singer songwriter types track everything using headphones, and that this is one reason so many recordings sound like ass.
Try one of these for the vocals...
