Is it right to play a triad left hand chord with fingers 4-2-1 on a piano?


Hi Dears
I used to play all triad chords on a piano with fingers 4-2-1 instead 5-3 -1 . It is much suitable to my hand. Is it right or i have to practice 5-3-1
It is good to be well rounded. Having the flexibility to do whatever it takes to leave your hands in position for what's coming next is far more important than looking for set in stone rules. Practice all sorts of fingerings. If you're going from a root chord (let's say C-E-G) to a root scale (cdefg) 5-3-1 would be correct, but if you're going from there to a 1st inversion fifth (same example: B-D-G), 4-2-1 would make that transition smoother...see the point?
The important thing to practice is the change from chord to chord with your left hand - probably think organ rather than piano, because three note left hand on pianos tend to only work higher up - lower down they sound muddy and heavy. So whatever fingering you pick needs to have fingers spare to move to the next chord, so (using thumb as finger one on the left hand) your first chord much be 1-3-5 and then your next chord is 1-2-4. Don't fall into the habit of only playing one position, then moving the entire thing - think common notes in the chords, and then use the spare fingers for the next chord.